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Veteran sherman battery info thread


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Lets collect all data about the most important part to keep fresh.

I will need help to get info and correct me if i am wrong and ill add it to this first post so its easy to find.

Battery specs (single cell)

Battery type: NCR18650GA

mAh / battery: 3450mAh

Max continuous discharge current: 10A

max voltage: 4.2V

Nominal voltage (storage voltage): 3.6V

Veteran 0% voltage: 3.15V (Chirull & div)

Min voltage (Discharge cut-off): 2.5V

Weight: 48g

Pack specs (100.8V3200WH)

Setup \ 4 packs: 24s10p

Nr of packs: 4 (2/side*12s5p = 24s5p/side)

Nr of BMS: 2 (1 per side)

Max voltage: 100,8 V (4.2V*24series)

Storage voltage (nominal voltage):  86,4 V**

Min voltage (Veteran 0V): 75,6 V

(Min voltage (Discharge cut-off): 60V (2.5V*24) NOTE! THEORETICAL VALUE IF ALL CELLS DISCHARGE EQUAL which is not likely)

Weight: 60batteries * 48g / pack= 2.88Kg/pack

2.88Kg * 4 packs = 11,5 Kg

** Compared to battery university recomendation 40–50 % SoC = ??? V / general guideline 3,7V*24= 88,8V


Battery cell Data sheet


Edited by Boogieman
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12 minutes ago, Boogieman said:

Min voltage: 3.7V (or 3V ? If 3 below is wrong)

3.7V is about nominal voltage. 2.5V is minimum voltage specified by the manufacturer.

The sherman uses the cells downto 3.3V, maybe to 3.15V? Or this changed maybe with newer boards/firmware?

About nominal voltage is great for storing - exactly 60% are not necessary or especially "great"

21 minutes ago, Boogieman said:

Setup \ 1 pack: 24s10p (batt pack calc says 28s/10p to reach 100.8V ????)

Total config is 24s10p. 100.8V is max voltage (4.2V*24) and not nominal (3.6V*28)!

These 24s10p is organized in 4 packs 12s5p each.

On each side two 12s5p packs are combined with one BMS to an 24s5p pack.


27 minutes ago, Boogieman said:

80% charge voltage

Shiver - noone needs this! ;)

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Thanks @Chriulland @div

Took a while but updated the specs and added a data sheet for reference.

Hope it looks better now :)


btw how do you calculate SOC level?

(SoC % * (max voltage - min voltage)) + min voltage

does not add up.

Neither does (max - nominal)

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2 hours ago, Boogieman said:

btw how do you calculate SOC level?

Charge% as reported by the apps is

Charge % = (Actual_Battery_Voltage - 0%_Voltage) / ( 100%_Volrage - 0%_Voltage) * 100%

100%_Voltage is with most wheels some ?4.16V?.

0%_Voltage something around 3.15V to 3.3V depending on wheel and firmware version.

Once Actual_Battery_Voltage is taken after some rest (no charge, wheel turned off) it is somewhat related to the real S(tate)o(f)C(harge).

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