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Kingsong S20/S22 (Confirmed)


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2 hours ago, supercurio said:

I could be wrong, of course but I'll explain the reasoning.

If the charge is 1A at 124.2V, it means that the termination voltage, aka charger voltage is approx 124V (according to the wheel)
If the charger voltage was 127V, then it would be charging near 5A at up to 127V in the CC phase. 1A means it's in the CV phase - very close to the charger voltage.

Then all the chargers which were shipped from the first 40 wheels were outputting between 124-125.5V

That's where my conclusion "this multimeter is probably mis-calibrated" comes from.

In SoftTuner, what do the the BMS 1 and BMS 2 tell about the voltage?

I don't have SoftTuner installed.  Haven't looked into it to that depth nor bothered dissassembling enough to measure internal voltages.  Sooner or later I will.  I did search for a new charger and there aren't any 126V chargers available for anything that I could find.  I also opened the charger looking for any adjustment pots but there weren't any from either side and I didn't feel like removing the heat-sinks to slide it out and check the middle... that charger's all I have for now.

Edited by Elliott Reitz
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7 hours ago, chanman said:

Yeah I have a hard explaining it, in ginger's looks like a hill that I would do on the S18 quite comfortably and I'm not particularly lightweight.

Maybe we're seeing firmware differences where the S20 should be pulling 40A to get going on this hill but the controller isn't letting it, but it's somehow unlocked for this big hill the manufacturer is doing.

I think it would have been beneficial if the demo wheels were configured with a lower link-geometry setup to give people a fairer impression, like perhaps in the middle of the 7 adjustable spots, that would bring the pedals down a bit and maybe give a bit more normal ride feel.

Also KS already adjusting pedals on the production version to be a bit more forward, those two changes could make the riding experience feel a whole lot different.

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15 hours ago, Tawpie said:

Sooooooo. Does it really matter?

Does anyone really take a 3200USD wheel that they personally paid for up a 50° rock face that they know they can't get down except by sliding on their rear end (and that's without trying to manage a 70 lb wheel)? How much of a difference is this going to make in your riding? Really, the stuff you actually do, not the riding you see on TV...

We have several standardized methods of announcing the acceleration capabilities of a car. They help us figure whether a car you are considering but haven’t yet tried would have enough oomph for your needs.

 For EUCs we don’t have any standards of measurement like that. And yet most buyers are forced to buy their wheels blind, based only on reviews and comparisons.

 Come to think of it, WrongWay’s incline tests might just be the closest thing we have to such a standard on low speed climbing capabilities.

If a largely advertised and waited performance wheel turns out to be inferior to a two year old mid class V11 as a hill climber, yes it’s a big deal. Even if it would be enough for someone, it still doesn’t deliver the advertised headroom.

I don’t think it has anything to do with being smug about one’s purchase.


15 hours ago, Tawpie said:

Torque will not be a problem for me.

For the ones that do get wet even without going to the shower, it really is. I personally wouldn’t pay a penny for a wheel with less hillclimbability than my current V11. (I’m not buying the S24 either way, just thinking about the “V13” here.)

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6 hours ago, Elliott Reitz said:

I don't have SoftTuner installed.  Haven't looked into it to that depth nor bothered dissassembling enough to measure internal voltages.  Sooner or later I will.  I did search for a new charger and there aren't any 126V chargers available for anything that I could find.  I also opened the charger looking for any adjustment pots but there weren't any from either side and I didn't feel like removing the heat-sinks to slide it out and check the middle... that charger's all I have for now.

We learned that it is possible from @Seba who adjusted his S20 charger to a calibrated 126V before his low temperature range test.
Someone else also did adjust their but were unable to get full 126V, only up to 125.5V.

Of course I would not recommend adjusting the charger output without having a verified/calibrated multimeter on hand, since there's a small risk of setting it to high which could damage the cells.

If you're curious, SoftTuner will let you see the full Smart BMS info including how well the cells are balanced.
Since it ends at ~124V, it might or might not balance the cells at that point (4.14V per cell) so it's worth checking.

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Bit off topic.

Firefighters in Paris, 2019, were experimenting with using EUC's to weave through traffic easily, and get to fires more quickly.

From the video description, translated:

The Paris firefighters are innovating! They will soon use the gyro-wheel to move more quickly in Parisian traffic.


Would have been interesting if they had of been using the S20 when it exploded into a flamethrower.


Innovation BSPP : le gyro-roue

Apr 1, 2019

89.6K subscribers


Edited by Paul A
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10 minutes ago, Forwardnbak said:

I really expected some stronger follow up statements from Kingsong, and I feel if things were good with new firmware we would be hearing about it. 

Keep it simple.  Buy that wheel and try it out for yourself.  Report details to KS, wait for fix.  That's the way it is, today. You newer know whats in the basket until you try it out. Happy easter to all :)

Annotation 2022-04-14 113828.jpg

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My distributor is normally using them daily, after already mentioned fw update and we are all waiting for KS 3rd party examination of BMS. Results could be almost anything...
However Im staying on my preorder now. This seems to have potential to know this EUC better than its usual in this industry - before its fully released (maybe like a 2nd batch), preorder discount, other prizes goes up and I dont have equal another choice based on my preferences.

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I still don't believe any other upcoming wheel can compete with the KS20/22. None of the other wheels are nearly as focused on off road performance. One demo wheel that was crashed and then pushed to the limit doesn't worry me one bit. 

Kingsong has shown a very good track record of safety and quality. I'm sure they will get it right. 

As for the Master, I'm still keeping it open as an option, but im still 99.9% hyped for the KS. 

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4 minutes ago, Rollin-on-1 said:


Tried to post a screenshot of the comment, but the image upload is failing.  See William's response to Murland's request for p42a on the S22.

Edited by Rollin-on-1
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3 minutes ago, meepmeepmayer said:

Ew that comes out to only "1800Wh". The original 2220Wh were already a little low.

My initial thoughts exactly when I saw the Samsung 40T listed as an option on the Master.  But I have seen several comments that since voltage sag isn't as big of a problem, the actual range could be similar for a Master with 2400wh Samsung 50E or Samsung 40T.  Not sure if this will be true, but hopefully this comparison holds for the KS22 with Samsung 40T vs LGM50LTs as well.

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14 minutes ago, chanman said:

Not sure about the point of the 40T swap, seems like the current bottleneck was already in the board and motor with the high capacity cells. Less voltage sag is good I suppose.

+1 How will this make the wheel safer?  I would not want to loose anymore range.

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