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Kingsong S20/S22 (Confirmed)


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I'm wondering if you used the "custom" battery percentage feature of EUCWorld if the battery % would make more sense on the EUCW display (126V = full, 99V = empty, although given how quickly the pack drops voltage when it's nearly exhausted I might set the 'empty' to 101V so there's a little warning). Obviously KS still hasn't gotten that little detail worked out yet!

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18 minutes ago, Tawpie said:

I'm wondering if you used the "custom" battery percentage feature of EUCWorld if the battery % would make more sense on the EUCW display (126V = full, 99V = empty, although given how quickly the pack drops voltage when it's nearly exhausted I might set the 'empty' to 101V so there's a little warning). Obviously KS still hasn't gotten that little detail worked out yet!

Yea I'm sure the 100% isn't correct.   So looking at some battery discharge curves (Understanding Charge-Discharge Curves of Li-ion Cells • EVreporter) I have the impression that 3.0V cell voltage = 0% (voltage dropping out knee).  The per cell of 126V is 4.2 so (3/4.2)*126 = 90V.  ... well pucned this into excel, comes out 81% remaining. 

= (119.22-90)/ (126-(3/4.2)*(126))


= 81% remaining after 12.76 miles.


Edited by Elliott Reitz
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There's some additional complications of the 124V charger output shipped with some (all so far?) wheels not giving a full capacity charge which I think has resulted in some underreporting of the range.

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9 minutes ago, chanman said:

There's some additional complications of the 124V charger output shipped with some (all so far?) wheels not giving a full capacity charge which I think has resulted in some underreporting of the range.

My wheel only charges to 124.2V according to the app.  I did use a multimeter to measure the charger directly and its outputting 127V.  So now I'm wondering what the actual battery voltage inside the wheel really is(?).  or is it another app problem.  hmm (except the KS app says the same).

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On 4/8/2022 at 12:44 AM, supercurio said:

If there's any doubt with @Brendan "nog3" Halliday wrote (really should not), the 2.19 Changelog contains:

C. Optimized the motor drive part to make the output power larger.


9 hours ago, Blunzn said:


On one hand the changelog and @Brendan "nog3" Halliday states that, and on the other hand in a comment from The EUCster under the video @Ginger On Wheels replies by showing a short video https://fb.watch/cg0ZXCBPAR/ where the wheel has the latest FW up to date but seems even more feverish than before as we could see for example on the Wrongway video which showed the pedal dip on a steep slope, yet here the slope seems to be much less steep

What to think about it?:huh:

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4 hours ago, Bizra6ot said:

What to think about it?:huh:

@Ginger On Wheels did say in his video that he felt his demo wheel S22 was a bit more powerful than his Sherman, as he was going up the incline. However, Hsiang said in his S20 vs Sherman video, that he felt his Sherman has a slight edge over his demo wheel KS S20B below 20 mph. 

I think to be clear and convincing, the easiest way to show the difference is to have a S22 and a KS S20B go up the same incline by the same rider back to back.

My gut feeling tells me that, for those who are expecting the S22 to outperform the RS19, EX-N, or better Begode wheels at the low end are going to be disappointed for the current batch. 

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59 minutes ago, Paul A said:

S22 #EAGLE Challenge of the Extreme Slope

Kudos to the rider in the video. Job well done. And a nice conquest pose at the end. However, we were also shown S20's before, where riders were able to climb 50/40 degrees slope, but only to be disappointed after watching it being out done by a V11 in the hands of a Youtuber on a mundane slope. And once again it appears we are faced with discrepancy. In the words of @Ginger On Wheels, that without some momentum, his S22 with him on it, would not have been able to roll up a modest slope at the end of a gravel pathway. What gives? 

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On 4/11/2022 at 6:56 AM, Rawnei said:

I have eyes so I can see for myself in the videos that he uploaded what happened

Certainly it is your prerogative to dismiss Wrongway's thought on the matter. Are you doing the same with @Ginger On Wheels's testimony on the S22 too?


On 4/11/2022 at 6:56 AM, Rawnei said:

the plot seems to be that you are on a crusade against the S20 for some reason, not even the S20 going up that same hill as the Master or Sherman Max seems to convince you that it has enough torque to go up a steep hill instead your are searching actively for contradicting information, what is that all about?

Both Wrongway and Gingeronwheels are main YouTubers. Wrongway's videos on the S20 have 17k, and 13k views. What are you spinning about? Actively searching? Wow!

If you mean Marty's video with Eevees owners riding along, that provides a data point too. But that in no way is comparable to climbing a 50 degrees dirt hill. So where is the relevance?


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Asian riders tend to be much lighter than even Adam WrongWay, which can explain the inconsistency of the various tests. Add a bit of US average in the mix and the results can again be quite different.

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14 minutes ago, mrelwood said:

Asian riders tend to be much lighter than even Adam WrongWay, which can explain the inconsistency of the various tests. Add a bit of US average in the mix and the results can again be quite different.

For sure, and it's also a big spectrum between a lighter rider going up a steep slope or a heavier rider trying to torque it up some steps or rev it up through loose dirt (as if that's the norm), simply with all wheels we don't know truly what their limits are until more people have ridden them and some sort of community consensus can be reached. The S20 specially shows how subjective the riding experience can be, some experienced riders who rode it are praising it for how amazing it feels and all the potential it unlocks while others are saying it lacks torque and is weak, what conclusions can we truly draw from all that conflicting information? Well I'm no psychic so I will reserve my opinion for when I actually tried it myself instead of cherry picking what I want to hear.

Edited by Rawnei
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