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Kingsong S20/S22 (Confirmed)


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I found interesting that the motor has the same Kv rating as the 18XL, 16X, S18.

It means, for the same amount of phase current fed to the motor, at a low speed:

  • 16X has a 16" tire: smaller wheel circumference: it's torquier
  • 18XL has a 18" 2.5" tire, it's not as tall: a little more torque than S20
  • S18 and S20 tires are interchangeable, although the S20 stock tire is on the larger side - larger than what would fit in a S18 mudguard: S20 and S18 have the same torque

In order to get more low-end torque than the S18 or 18XL, the S20 board and batteries must be capable of driving more current into the same motor.
Since the S20 has twice the cell count as the S18 tho, that should certainly be feasible.

Edited by supercurio
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3 hours ago, supercurio said:

S18 and S20 tires are interchangeable

Not that I'm already needing a tire change, it's nice to know that the K66 will work (if you can find it of course) and even the H666 as well (if you're not a mud runner, want good tread wear and don't mind tram lining). Plus all of the other street tire options will be available as well!

Of course, a shorter tire will mean lower top speeds in exchange for (slightly) more force at the tire/earth connection.

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26 minutes ago, RagingGrandpa said:

That is: if we were expecting "Gotway performance," I look for a maximum output condition of 100A per FET @ 40us on-time, at full battery voltage. 
But as shown above, this JJM 150V FET is only meant to supply about 50A for that condition. 

The operating condition for these fets is either conducting or switched off.

Just while switching there is some, very short time while the mosfet is in the "linear region". 40μs would be very slow switching.

So the points Vds from 1-2V with max 100-200A, just imited by rdson are of interest.

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2 hours ago, RagingGrandpa said:

That is: if we were expecting "Gotway performance," I look for a maximum output condition of 100A per FET @ 40us on-time, at full battery voltage. 
But as shown above, this JJM 150V FET is only meant to supply about 50A for that condition. 

I know nothing about electricity other than not to lick loose wires but doesn't Gotway/Begode report current differently to other manufacturers in that they show 3 phase current which reports much higher.

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20 minutes ago, Rawnei said:

126v x 50A [is a lot of watts]

Wrong idea, sorry...

Gotway permits about 220A peak current in the motor. Aka "phase current." And this 220A pulse is only happening at the peak-current position of the motor as it spins; then current drops again in a sinewave-shape.

Voltage is applied to the motor in a regulated fashion (PWM), so the average voltage is much much less than the battery voltage. At low speeds, a relatively low voltage is needed to motivate those 220 amps.

Calculating average power from FET pulse current is not practical with the limited information we have.
But power really isn't the topic here. Low-end acceleration is a current-limited problem, not power problem.

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It frustrates me why people try to reinvent the wheel (no pun). The HY5012 are tried and trusted. They just work. Given this knowledge, if we do end up with wheels that need more current capability we could just add more 5012's together (within limits). So all bases are covered yet we see these ones from JieJie (anyone even heard of them before?) being fitted.

I guess the only excuse I could understand is that the 5012's are unavailable.

Truth be told I'd like to see massively over-specced FET's fitted to ALL euc's. But then I could say that about capacitors too. At least XT90's have started to be used so I should be thankful for that I guess..

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3 minutes ago, Planemo said:

HY5012 are tried and trusted
we could just add more 5012's together

They're great for current; but can't handle the S20's system voltage @ 126V. 
Adding more together in series would nearly double the physical size of the controller... not a great option. 

So I think HY5012 can't be the answer for our new generation of >120V EUC's; but there are certainly more attractive chips out there, than these JJM.
I suspect the choice had a lot to do with availability, with semiconductors being a strained commodity right now...

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21 minutes ago, Paul A said:

The constraint of weak performance from a standstill seems quite minor.

Might not be much of a concern except for extreme riders like Chance.

Not to mention the report that new FW will be out this week which will improve the accelleration.  Although it remains to be seen how much improvement we will actually see.

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