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For beginners and small children I see nothing wrong with getting a TG-T3 or TG-F3. It's very difficult to overpower it when you're so small, and the speed is fast enough for a beginner too. They can be bought for cheap! :) 

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3 hours ago, csmyers said:

For beginners and small children I see nothing wrong with getting a TG-T3 or TG-F3.

+1 on TG F3 264Wh

Very Cheap ($240 Delivered), comes with FREE Training Wheels, Bumper Tape, and Strap Handle.  All good for learning.  Training wheels are nice for a Newbie, but only for the first couple minutes or hours, so bummer to pay extra for them.  My TG F3, even with a bad battery does 6 miles at 10 MPH and I weigh 160lbs or so.  If your son is lighter and you get a good battery with yours, he should go much further (Rated for 12-15 Miles).  Also, super easy to ride.

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