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I Broke My Thigh Bone At Around 10-15KMH (6-9MPH)


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21 hours ago, Surfling said:


   I don't think so. You're (very first) post has HEAVY content and stirred some readers. A tragic, logic-defying accident.

   Again, my "focusing on post credibility either reinforces a story or filters out the trolls. Benefits ALL and maintains INTEGRITY on the forum."

   So why not clarify more?   You seem like a sensible 40-year old EUC rider.

   But somebody DIED crossing the street on a Tuesday morning when most of the world was initializing a serious lockdown. 

Hi Surfling, I appreciate your post.

Yes, I am a 40-year old EUC rider. What data do you need me to provide? Please note that I have nothing to gain at all by posting my experience. 

If it helps you to understand & gain more wisdom, than I will try to help. FYI, Jakarta was not and is not in lockdown. 


20 hours ago, z3n said:

Woah...! What a story bro! I've been riding daily on street since 2016 and as your fellow neighbor here, there are some important points I'd like to share:

  • Never hesitate - We are strange looking creature in the eye of others, they'd never be able to react normally like with bikes / motorcycles / cars.
  • Always make eye contact - Get their attention and let them know which direction you are going, shout out loud if necessary.
  • Always feel vulnerable and yield to others - Brake to stop and let others pass whenever you can't control the situation.
  • Always be aware of your surroundings - Anyone or even anything can suddenly jump in front of you in a second. A cat did once to me before.

So sorry to hear about your accident bro. Wish you have a fast recovery both mentally and physically. Let's ride together soon! :cheers:

Thank you, Zen. You're my senior, of course I must listen to your advice.

18 hours ago, shellac said:

@nalds might be a safer rider than many others here after this experience. nothing like a traumatic experience to alter your habits. 

I gave much thought about riding again. One of the thought was, it could happen to me in a car, motorcycle, or even EUC. Will I stop if it happened to me in a car?

Why did I ride an EUC in the first place? Is EUC really more dangerous than a car? Does the danger far outweight the benefit? Not only my head need assurance, but my heart needed it much more than my head.

13 hours ago, GoGeorgeGo said:

I dont get the thinking that he couldnt have broke his femur in a low speed accident.  

The average femur will break at 500 lbs of force with exceptionally strong femurs breaking under 1000 pounds of force.  

Assuming he is a rider weight of 150 lbs, and was traveling at 10 mph, a direct impact into the lady could result in well over 1000 pounds of pressure if direct flush contact was initiated with his leg.  Bones are pretty strong but energy multiplies fast as mass gains speed.  

Im honestly surprised more people dont break bones more often when they fall. Wear plastic guys , you want to slide a looooong way to dissapate that energy slowly over time


3 hours ago, z3n said:

I knew @naldsfrom another PEV WhatsApp Group just a few days before I read this post. He did mention that he is suffering from a broken femur but I didn't know the detail at all. From my perspective, I don't think there is any benefit for him posting it here besides just sharing. So I have no reason not to believe him. Just chill guys and be safe! Cheers! :cheers:

I glanced at your YouTube channel and yes I recognized you instantly. The guys at Kaabo Nation & EVCI knew my story, you can confirm it with Joey, Edo, Tyo or any other guys there. They knew me personally, they knew my reputation, and Joey even knew my house. 

28 minutes ago, mrelwood said:


Which instance do you believe it to be that lies such responsibility on us?

 If we would have to confirm the truthfulness of every first post, or every controversial post, all mods would have to be doing this as a full day job. Without pay. For controversial posts from new members, maybe a few mods on a day job would do. Without pay. I really don’t know who’d be up for a job like that, and I don’t quite see how you could expect that at a free-to-use and privately funded forum.

 If you feel that any post would need moderation, you can report the post and the moderator group will look into it. But I can already tell you that being detectives or to expose made up stories is not what we are here to do.

@mrelwood thank you for explaining. Honestly I have nothing to gain by posting this, nothing at all. My only wish is for some people to gain some wisdom from the story.

@z3n if you have verified my story from Joey or the other, could you help verify?

If some people wanted some data, be spesific on which data do they need. I'll try my best to provide it.

If some members went further and forced the mods to delete the thread based on some suspicions that they have, so be it. I've got nothing to lose, nothing at all. 

Hopefully this post helped clearing some confusion.


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@nalds There's been doubts on your story since page 1 and now you're finally shedding better light on it - isn't that TROLLING?

A concise title edit :   "A DEAD PEDESTRIAN, A BROKEN FEMUR at 9MPH ! ". 


1 hour ago, nalds said:

If it helps you to understand & gain more wisdom, than I will try to help

 I think you need that more than me but you'll get enough back pats here.   Prayers to the dead lady. 

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40 minutes ago, Surfling said:


@nalds There's been doubts on your story since page 1 and now you're finally shedding better light on it - isn't that TROLLING?

Here's a concise title:   "A DEAD PEDESTRIAN, A BROKEN FEMUR at 9MPH ! ". 


 I think you need that more than me but you'll get enough back pats here. Prayers to the dead lady. 

So, you're here not to look for the clarification, which you asked for.

You're simply here to tell me that the title of the thread is not to your liking / up to your standard. Also since my "(very first) post has HEAVY content and stirred some readers."; hence it must be fake.

Thank you @Surfling. Have a nice day.


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2 hours ago, nalds said:

You're simply here to tell me that the title of the thread is not to your liking / up to your standard.

@nalds You're title is MISLEADING as others pointed out!  I never claimed the story was FAKE, rather INCREDIBLE, TRAGIC etc. 

Perhaps you should seek professional help to ease your suffering.


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@naldsCurious how you know what speed you were going at that day of the accident. Did you have DarknessBot on or was this just your feeling from experience?

It is unusual to get a femur fracture at that speed, but not impossible as others have pointed out. 

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3 hours ago, mrelwood said:

Luckily it’s not up to you to determine.

 Let’s not go into personal insults, ok?

Right on and I stand corrected on that. Edited to " Perhaps you should seek professional help to ease your suffering". No insults intended.

So  @mrelwoodyou'd say a MISLEADING title is not trolling?

There seems to be more emphasis on his suffering than the old ladies death.

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Just to summarize - no news item?  And this is very curious:  "On the last moment before impact, my wheel turned and... broke my thigh bone"...  It is curious because it is a well-known Segway (lean-steer) injury.  But a unicycle lacks the ability to steer itself while the pilot is aboard. 

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4 hours ago, Toad said:

Just to summarize - no news item?  And this is very curious:  "On the last moment before impact, my wheel turned and... broke my thigh bone"...  It is curious because it is a well-known Segway (lean-steer) injury.  But a unicycle lacks the ability to steer itself while the pilot is aboard. 

I had trouble making sense of this too...but my thinking was that when he said the wheel "turned" like maybe it spun/whipped around, like when a wheel gets airborn for a bit, starts to freespin, then catches pavement and whips around. I've seen similar things in crash videos. @nalds?

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17 hours ago, Surfling said:


@nalds You're title is MISLEADING as others pointed out!  I never claimed the story was FAKE, rather INCREDIBLE, TRAGIC etc. 

Perhaps you should seek professional help to ease your suffering.


Just because I didn't mention the worse thing in the title, didn't mean I was misleading.

I sincerely hoped that you'll never experience what I did. Because talking about it, or even putting it in headline (title) for someone who's still trying to grip with it, is VERY hard. It's hard enough for me to tell the story. Now you're demanding that people must use your standard and put that horrendous thing on the title, just to please you.  

Who are you to tell others on how to write? You have absolutely no authority on this! 

From now on, I will cease discussing this with you. 

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10 hours ago, Justin Boivin said:

I had trouble making sense of this too...but my thinking was that when he said the wheel "turned" like maybe it spun/whipped around, like when a wheel gets airborn for a bit, starts to freespin, then catches pavement and whips around. I've seen similar things in crash videos. @nalds?

@Justin Boivin you were right, I used the wrong word. I should have used the word "spun" instead of "turned". Please pardon me.

It seemed that at the moment of impact, my wheel spun / twisted very hard and the sudden rotation broke the femur.

17 hours ago, shellac said:

@naldsCurious how you know what speed you were going at that day of the accident. Did you have DarknessBot on or was this just your feeling from experience?

It is unusual to get a femur fracture at that speed, but not impossible as others have pointed out. 


@shellac I could only estimate my speed at around 10-15KMH / 6-9MPH because I'm used to calibrating my inner sense of speed with darkness bot. Could I be wrong? I could have. 

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10 hours ago, nalds said:

Now you're demanding that people must use your standard and put that horrendous thing on the title, just to please you.  

Demanding??  Nah 

More like suggesting a better a edit to get the message across clearly. Tell me if that's wrong.


10 hours ago, nalds said:

You have absolutely no authority on this! 

I really don't. Never claimed having it .  Now, you're getting all DEFENSIVE.

Again, I suggest seeking professional help. 

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In accidents, especially those with a tragic outcome, it's usually impossible to say what happened accurately. There's what you believe happened, there's what should of happened and there's also what actually happened and they all sort of blend together. It's a terrible shame that someone died but hopefully we can all learn from the experience.

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Yep, I’ve been to Jakarta and I can confirm what @Ubute says. Personally I’d be scared shitless to ride an EUC on those chaotic streets unless maybe I’m in full plate mail with airbags but that’s me. 

Also I’ll say that it’s a well known phenomenon for people to be dicks online, even if they’d probably be nicer IRL. I think it has to do with the semi-anonymity of a forum like this. I can’t say I was surprised by some of the shitty reactions @nalds got. You just have to be a bit thick skinned on here, which he seems to be. 

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Thank you @Ubute. Your perspective really enlightened. Now I could also understand the misunderstandings that happened in this thread.

What you described about the road condition in Jakarta is spot on. The road is not a friendly place. Even if you cross the road at the cross road, most drivers would not stop and wait for you to cross the road. Drivers will estimate and keep on driving as long as they don't hit you. That's why cross roads are not popular in Indonesia. Even for young people, crossing the road is scary. 

Which wass why I was amazed that the old lady was crossing the road on her own. I didn't want to blame her, no! However it's very dangerous for her to cross the road all by herself. To cross the road in Indonesia, we must be extra vigilant. To this day, honestly, I'm still wondering myself why the accident happened when it could have, should have, would have been avoided. I talked over the situation with my girlfriend. We discussed and role played the situation. We finally agreed, that it's a fate that must happen.


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14 hours ago, amelanso said:

 To me it takes a ton of balls to post a tragic story like this (where @nalds admits to being at least partially to blame for someone's death). I am quite astonished by the amount of flame @nalds has gotten (liar,troll,misleading title,etc.). It seems to me that the aim of a forum like this is to encourage open exchange of info/ideas, fellowship, and possible connecting of localised riders heretofore unknown to one another. IMO the posts that should be moderated are the ones that are overly disrespectful or clearly deceitful. Branding @nalds as a liar/troll or castigating him ( for the title, omissions,etc )  seems excessively harsh given the paucity of evidence invoked to malign him and the tragic nature of his tale (which is ultimately of benefit to all of us!). Forgive yourself @nalds - and thx for sharing. Ignore the noise. We cannot change what is done, only what we do next...


@amelanso this noon, my gf instructed our driver to go to the supermarket which was right across where the accident happened, I almost puked.

I tried contacting the relatives of the old lady, asking if I could come over to their place. I wanted to apologize & clear my conscience. However due to the Covid-19 situation, they wouldn't receive any guests yet.

I must find another way to clear my conscience.

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2 hours ago, shellac said:

Yep, I’ve been to Jakarta and I can confirm what @Ubute says. Personally I’d be scared shitless to ride an EUC on those chaotic streets unless maybe I’m in full plate mail with airbags but that’s me. 

Also I’ll say that it’s a well known phenomenon for people to be dicks online, even if they’d probably be nicer IRL. I think it has to do with the semi-anonymity of a forum like this. I can’t say I was surprised by some of the shitty reactions @nalds got. You just have to be a bit thick skinned on here, which he seems to be. 

This is roughly the location where it happened. Hopefully it could give some sense into what happened that day. 

This is when I arrived at the hospital. 


Btw, seems like attachment feature activated when I reached some certain number of posts or reputation.




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On 11/19/2020 at 6:38 AM, nalds said:

So, you're here not to look for the clarification, which you asked for.

You're simply here to tell me that the title of the thread is not to your liking / up to your standard. Also since my "(very first) post has HEAVY content and stirred some readers."; hence it must be fake.

Thank you @Surfling. Have a nice day.


I'm certainly not calling the OP fake, I think most people are pointing out that bumping into someone at 9mph doesn't asplode <sic> your femur and murder an elderly woman (That you said you saw from far away, but didn't slow down for). A lot of us get the feeling that you're "massaging the truth".  In order for your tale to be somewhat plausible, your MPH has to double, I think that's why people keep going on about this thread (No one likes being lied to).

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On 11/20/2020 at 5:02 PM, amelanso said:

 To me it takes a ton of balls to post a tragic story like this (where @nalds admits to being at least partially to blame for someone's death). I am quite astonished by the amount of flame @nalds has gotten (liar,troll,misleading title,etc.). It seems to me that the aim of a forum like this is to encourage open exchange of info/ideas, fellowship, and possible connecting of localised riders heretofore unknown to one another. IMO the posts that should be moderated are the ones that are overly disrespectful or clearly deceitful. Branding @nalds as a liar/troll or castigating him ( for the title, omissions,etc )  seems excessively harsh given the paucity of evidence invoked to malign him and the tragic nature of his tale (which is ultimately of benefit to all of us!). Forgive yourself @nalds - and thx for sharing. Ignore the noise. We cannot change what is done, only what we do next...

No one likes what they see: OP posted their story, to assuage their feelings of guilt (proven with nalds own words), downplayed their role, but ended up confessing guilt by letting it slip that he saw the poor old woman from far away, yet did not slow down for her <== Those two things are what makes us mad about the whole situation, no one likes being lied to or used as an emotional tampon. If the guy told the story accurately, I don't think there would be so much rebuttal in the thread, but with each passing post from OP, he reveals more and more of what actually happened. Hopefully a Jakartan prosecutor is seeing all this.


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