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I Broke My Thigh Bone At Around 10-15KMH (6-9MPH)


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20 minutes ago, GothamMike said:

I'm not a Lawyer, and not Indonesian. I strongly recommend you take your post down. There is enough evidence to identify you, and your behavior.

Moderatorsplease consider deleting this post.

You’re also not the OP. If he wants it taken down, he can ask the mods himself. 

@nalds It must have taken a lot of courage to post what you did and it helps us all to avoid a similar situation in the future.

My grandfather who has now passed away for some time killed a pedestrian accidentally when he was younger. The pedestrian also was a young man. This was when he was driving a car. I know from what he told me it was a hard thing to live through. He gave the family monetary compensation though he wasn’t legally required to as I understand. I think it always haunted him to some extent but he did move on from the experience. Again, sorry for what you’re going through. 

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28 minutes ago, LanghamP said:

I think in most states and even most countries, a pedestrian within a crosswalk must first clear the crosswalk before the driver can proceed. It's not just a yield; it's a stop and wait.

But all these laws and regulations are kinda silly because they try to distribute blame when the situation is obvious; don't ride/drive your vehicle in such a way that you kill other people. Drive with caution so you don't make mistakes, and at a speed that should you make a mistake the result usually isn't deadly.

The OP didn't wait for the pedestrian to clear the crosswalk so he killed her. Happens all the time with drivers, and most drivers aren't even charged with a crime.

Disagree with this, in my state reckless endangerment and manslaughter are very often enforced and both could be argued here.  

Reckless endangerment would be for not stopping for a crossing pedestrian.  Even if not hitting the person it may be argued (although very unlikely to be sited in the first place, you usually dont get sited unless there is an incident).  And manslaughter can be argued as a result of any death caused by another individual.  

Involuntary Manslaughter is defined as: 1) An unlawful killing that was unintentionally caused as the result of wanton or reckless conduct that a defendant engaged in

in the eyes of the law, not stopping would be a reckless act as it is the standard traffic law that was violated resulting in a death.  

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OMG, I can't tell you how many times people STOP in front of me. SOOOO annoying...and DANGEROUS.

They are are light deer looking into headlights, as if they forgot what they are doing and are paralyzed. 

The #1 thing that saves me is to slow down to walking speed, whenever I get near a human or dog. They are unpredictable.

I wish people would not stop in front of me....but they still do.



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On 11/15/2020 at 12:02 PM, LanghamP said:


........."Interestingly, the J shape of reading is most common these days, whereby people read just the first paragraph, then skip to the conclusion."....

Right on the money, my dude!

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15 hours ago, Surfling said:

Focusing on post credibility either reinforces a story or filters out the trolls. Benefits all and maintains integrity on the forum.

What's more sad, my dude, is the thought of someone losing a wife, mother, aunt, etc from what seems like a riders misjudgement and the consequences.

Now @nalds, given your recollection of this tragedy, perhaps you can provide more info on the incident to help skeptics like me shed more light on this. Somethings I failed ask early on.

Where in Indonesia?

What are the approximate ages of the party involved?

PS: Friends raves about surfing Padang and it's in my list.

Hi @Surfling,

It's okay. You don't need to push yourself to believe. Even if I post photos of me being brought to the hospital, lying in hospital bed, and so on, some will still doubt the story. It's perfectly fine. It happened in Jakarta and no, it's not on the news. Because the old lady's relatives  didn't want to sue me at all. Which made me feel all the worse...

10 hours ago, LanghamP said:

I think in most states and even most countries, a pedestrian within a crosswalk must first clear the crosswalk before the driver can proceed. It's not just a yield; it's a stop and wait.

But all these laws and regulations are kinda silly because they try to distribute blame when the situation is obvious; don't ride/drive your vehicle in such a way that you kill other people. Drive with caution so you don't make mistakes, and at a speed that should you make a mistake the result usually isn't deadly.

The OP didn't wait for the pedestrian to clear the crosswalk so he killed her. Happens all the time with drivers, and most drivers aren't even charged with a crime.

Hi @LanghamP
It didn't happen in the crosswalk. She took a shortcut to cross that busy road. It might be her fault but it's so much more mine. This must be a lesson that I need to heed for the rest of my life, no matter what vehicle I'm in. 

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On 11/14/2020 at 11:44 PM, Sludog said:

Part of me wants to think this is a fake post from a troll or EUC hater only because its a first post.

All of me thinks this is fake!

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11 hours ago, nalds said:

Hi @Surfling,

It's okay. You don't need to push yourself to believe. Even if I post photos of me being brought to the hospital, lying in hospital bed, and so on, some will still doubt the story. It's perfectly fine. It happened in Jakarta and no, it's not on the news. Because the old lady's relatives  didn't want to sue me at all


   I don't think so. You're (very first) post has HEAVY content and stirred some readers. A tragic, logic-defying accident.

   Again, my "focusing on post credibility either reinforces a story or filters out the trolls. Benefits ALL and maintains INTEGRITY on the forum."

   So why not clarify more?   You seem like a sensible 40-year old EUC rider.

   But somebody DIED crossing the street on a Tuesday morning when most of the world was initializing a serious lockdown. 

Edited by Surfling
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On 11/15/2020 at 7:26 PM, Obee said:

He had his shot and blew it. No more. 

Quite the opposite. People learn from their accidents and you can see these as really expensive trainings. You can be pretty sure that the OP will be super careful in similar situations from now on. 

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No, maybe 3 strikes and you are out works for many things.  But when your first strike is a human death, that's all three strikes at once. 

Especially a hobby which is supposed to be fun. How fun is it when every time you hop on it reminds you of that time you killed a lady?

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19 minutes ago, Obee said:

How fun is it when every time you hop on it reminds you of that time you killed a lady?

That's exactly why people are super careful the next time. Heck, even if you ride a car over a family, you can eventually drive again, albeit it will take years.

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this was the OP's first post, it is naive to believe the content. By the forum's own standard, the OP has no 'reputation' and shouldn't even be allowed to post attachments.

I believe the mods have a responsibility to look into posts of this nature. If the OP doesn't want to identify themselves publicly (which I completely understand and respect) then IMO the mods should reach out through private communication to gather enough evidence to vet the story and confirm for readers the OP is telling the truth.

There is definitely something 'off' to me about how the initial post is worded, it reads like an unhealthy, personality disordered troll to me. It's just sticky and not right.

Unless the mods are willing to follow up on fantastical content such as this to confirm the source I believe the entire thread should be treated as fake news and deleted (as fake news should actually be treated, rather than as 'alternate facts' or other complete BS).

Femur breaks are very serious business and can result in a host of complications. I have known one person to do this, it was during a kite surfing accident where the board was still attached to his one leg as he came down from a high, long airtime jump and lost control. The forces of this are well beyond a low speed EUC crash. That said, if this actually occurred on an EUC I would be grateful if the mods followed up with this very new board member to confirm their identity, location and some form of corroborating evidence i.e. a newspaper article, something beyond just their 'word'.

If this was a well known member with a hundred or more posts my response would be very different.

My 2 cents, I'll look for an ignore feature for this thread now and won't comment again.

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@UniMe  You have a point, but i believe its not the mods job to make sure people arent lying. I see no slander in this story. True or fiction, he can post it either way. Just because its on the internet, doesnt make it true. It's more likely better to do what you have done and ignore the content, than to expect the 'truth police' to comb thru posts and determine their validity. What you speak of is censorship and I dont want ANY part of it. If i choose to make a post and swear that the world is flat and the sky is made of marshmallows, I think I have a right to do that(i better mention an euc tho, there are RULES). Just as you have a right to call me out on it and ignore it. I agree, very odd to put a story out there as a first post. Why would you want to bring negative attention to yourself? But, I won't flat out call it a false story, as I have no idea. I have my opinions, but due to the nature of the story, I am treading lightly and giving benefit of the doubt. I just don't really see there being any gains by sharing a story like this, for the poster. It aint like he's bashing on eucs or trying to sell something. Yes, something is truly odd, but hell if I know what it is. Lucky for everyone invlolved, I havent shared my opinion of the rider or the old lady. Sometimes even I manage to bite my tongue. But alas, you are ignoring this thread so you may not read this. Of course, I DID tag you, so you may get lured back in :shock2:. My take from this is... don't run into people and always expect them to be idiots. So, nothing has changed as I already had that tidbit of genius tucked away.

Edited by ShanesPlanet
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lol, censorship... this forum is privately owned. If the mods wish to maintain the integrity of the forum some amount of 'moderating' should be taking place at all times.

I've been on many, many forums over the years. A place for 'free speech at any cost' they are most definitely not.

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On 11/17/2020 at 1:30 PM, GoGeorgeGo said:

Disagree with this, in my state reckless endangerment and manslaughter are very often enforced and both could be argued here.  

Reckless endangerment would be for not stopping for a crossing pedestrian.  Even if not hitting the person it may be argued (although very unlikely to be sited in the first place, you usually dont get sited unless there is an incident).  And manslaughter can be argued as a result of any death caused by another individual.  

Drivers in the US just aren't often charged with anything at all despite killing a pedestrian.

For example, in Minneapolis, more than 3000 crashes resulting in 95 deaths only had 28 drivers charged with anything.  That 1/10 of one percent.


Another example...San Francisco. 60% of drivers found at fault for killing a pedestrian didn't face any charges whatsoever.


In NYC, a driver who backed over a pedestrian wasn't charged at all nor even given a traffic violation.


Alabama and North Dakota even have a clause called contributory negligence whereby a hit pedestrian is assigned fault for being hit. If that fault is 1% or more, then the pedestrian doesn't collect!


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21 hours ago, nalds said:

didn't happen in the crosswalk. She took a shortcut to cross that busy road. It might be her fault but it's so much more mine. This must be a lesson that I need to heed for the rest of my life, no matter what vehicle I'm in. 

Could you have been aiming for her?

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9 minutes ago, LanghamP said:

Could you have been aiming for her?

Bro, what?

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1 hour ago, seage said:

Bro, what?

One wonders if the OP could have fared worse if he was purposefully malevolent.


One wonders if the OP could have fared better if he was purposefully malevolent.

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On 11/15/2020 at 4:42 PM, Toshio Uemura said:

This kind of attitude (I call it Road Darwinism!) is one reason for accidents. In my opinion, the driver (rider) of the more powerful, potentially more dangerous vehicle, always has more responsibility in traffic. Just blaming old people or kids or dogs or (quote) “bloody pedestrians” is no excuse for a careless behavior in traffic. I believe, if you hurt a handicapped or drunk person you shall be held responsible even under German laws. So why should it be different on an EUC! Just go the extra mile and stop if you see the slightest chance that you could hurt someone.


Never thought of it like that, you don't have to be dumb enough to win a Darwin, to get a Darwin.... Just have to be near a F***ing R####d to be given one without consent, stay frosty and steer clear of those peeps if possible.  RIP little old lady, hope you're in a better place!

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