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KS 18A Impressions with more to come.......

Sweet M

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Just received my KS 18A today from Will @KaleOsaurusRex.  

The thing is like a "MONSTER TRUCK", although a very versatile and maneuverable one!  Upon unboxing this streamlined beast, I found it to be in perfect condition (thanks again Will)!  The new app/BT connected flawlessly allowing access to the unit's ISN, speed/alarm etc settings, and speed/voltage/electricity/temp/odometer gauges. Charger/USB ports worked great as well! 

The "My Unicycle" name that displays once connected still shows KS14C which we're thinking is simply an over-sighted typo in the redesigning of the app.  However, KS 18A indeed is the source noted/recognized when connecting the app.  If simply connecting the KS 18's speakers via BT, which are of much better quality than I would have expected, you'll simply choose "King Song"  as your BT recognized device. All lights and the light sensor work great! Pedals are higher off the ground allowing for tight turns without pedal scrape.  I put air in the tire to the recommended 40 psi without the need of an extender and the battery arrived to me charged at 8 out of the 10 bars.  Power and stability seem great thus far for what little I rode this evening.

Sent in my ISN & now.....simply awaiting my authorization code to be able to establish my alarm/speed/rocker levels.  

Am planning a long distance, hill intensive, speed changing, bob/weave maneuvering, on/off roading, and stop/starting adventure this weekend.

More to come.....................................  :-)


Pictured are my KS 18A, IPS T350+ (16"), and back behind.....an Airwheel X8 (16").






Will someone get both kingsong 18 and gotway Msuper already? :) the battle of the titans is yet to come!!


   Battle of the Titans!!  I can see that catching on.  I was hoping to get the Brotherhood of the Wheel going.  I was seeing Hooded Brown Monk robs long enough to cover the Wheel.  LOL 

11 hours ago, Colestien said:

   Quick question If the wheels name is 14,  will the APP see it as a 14? in other words will the speed and mileage read right?  

At least on the older Gotway/King Song -protocol, the wheel sends the speed directly... well, sort of, you need to convert it into km/h from some other unit (don't remember what it was, centimeters per second or something? :P), so no need to know the size of the tire in the app. Probably they use something similar in the newer Bluetooth LE -protocol as well.


Authorization code activated without any trouble!  Yay! ( my code was a 12 character alphanumeric combo without hyphens or spaces)  

Once authorized you're considered an "Advanced User" (that phrase pops up shortly while accessing the settings).  The app alarm level speed settings can be set as high as 60 kph at any of the 3 alarm levels as well as at the rocker level.  However, guessing (no idea yet how fast one can actually travel ) that can't be even close to achieved.  

When setting any of the 3 alarm levels or the rocker level higher than 30 kph (ie 31-60), the app WILL NOT save your settings once your KS 18A is powered off.  It does, however, register and hold on to them while the unit remains on, as far as I can tell at this point anyway.  Sooooooo, guessing one can customize the speed a little higher for each outing, but again, have no idea how fast as I've not tested the top speed yet.

Can't wait until this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  


Thank you for posting. Please let us know if there is a tilt back at 32 kph or at 30 kph or at any other speed for this matter, regardless of the user- set speed or tiltback settings.  Thanks

also, you said while the wheel stays on. So if you turn it off for a second and back on the tilt back will be set to 30? What if you set it higher and then disconnect from application. Will the speed/ tiltback remain as you set it until you connect the app next time? Thanks!

1 hour ago, Cloud said:

Thank you for posting. Please let us know if there is a tilt back at 32 kph or at 30 kph or at any other speed for this matter, regardless of the user- set speed or tiltback settings.  Thanks

also, you said while the wheel stays on. So if you turn it off for a second and back on the tilt back will be set to 30? What if you set it higher and then disconnect from application. Will the speed/ tiltback remain as you set it until you connect the app next time? Thanks!

The tilt back (rocker level) is only in effect per user setting up to 30 kph (or the default 20 kph if ya never change the settings).  If electing to have no tilt back whatsoever, simply set the rocker level speed to 0. A person could also elect to have no warning alarms except for at the top assigned speed (ie set the initial 2 alarm levels to 0 and the top speed as desired per my previously discussed parameters).  As far as settings remaining as long as ya don't reconnect the app or the ability to exceed the 30 kph speed.......................................... have not tested those, but will this weekend!  My guess is that if the KS 18A is powered off, the settings remain if and only if they are within the programmed allowable parameters.  Otherwise, all settings return to the defaults when powered on (alarm 1 = 18 kph, alarm 2 = 19 kph, alarm 3 = 20kph, and rocker =20kph) 

We'll see.......................


Thanks, a bit clearer....i cant believe the user can turn off the tilt back function altogether. Kingsong told me before that there will be a tilt back set at a certain speed and there is no way to turn it off....please do more test rides....


Ok, the weekend is here and went on a 26 mile (43 km) ride this morning.  I typically begin my rides early in the morning before sunrise in order to escape traffic.  That way, I basically "own the city" and can maneuver anywhere/anytime I wanna (streets/sidewalks/hills/curbs/off road/driveways/yards/banking lanes....LOL).  My rides usually finish well after sunrise and therefore I have to negotiate some more traffic and onlookers.  I shared time of day simply to begin my review by stating that the light sensor and lights on the KS 18A work perfectly and, when the headlight is needed, it gives off plenty lighting to negotiate my ride.  Also worthy of noting, I'm 5'9" & weigh ~181 pounds.   

Now for the more important stuff!

My APP settings were as follows: (and this combo of settings are also what I discovered to give me the least restrictive experience while not resetting the unit)

Level 1 Alarm = 0

Level 2 Alarm = 0

Level 3 Alarm = 30

Rocker Level = 30

Running Mode = Play Mode

I tested multiple combinations and simply put.........the settings MUST be within the parameters discussed in an earlier post (except the Rocker level which I'll elaborate on in a sec) or the unit auto resets to the default parameters as also mentioned earlier. IT MADE NO DIFFERENCE WHETHER THE APP OR UNIT IS ON/OFF or in whatever combination of trickery I attempted...........hahahahahaha.  The app may display the higher values (31-60), however the performance of the wheel auto reverts to default performance settings with the alarms and rocker levels beeping/tilting like clockwork as if the unit were never customized. Then when rechecking the app settings, of course, it shows those default values. 

Distance:  Rode ~27 miles (43.37 km to be exact) and my battery meter still showed 4 bars out of the 10. Proportionally, considering my ht/wt I should have no problem traveling 34-37 miles (55-60 km) on a single charge.

Speed: Cruised along at anywhere up to 29 kph without issues, warning beeps, or ANY tilt back at all until actually reaching the 30 kph. 

Tilt (Rocker):  With the above settings, tilt back was only experienced at 30 kph (but not at all aggressive).  The aggressiveness does, however, increase in direct proportion to increasing speed beyond the 30 kph. (ie.......the more I exceeded the 30 kph, the more aggressive the tilt back)

Max Speed:  Was able to exceed 30 kph cruising comfortably at 32 kph and maxed out at a little over 22 mph (exactly 35.83 according to the app).  At that max speed, the tilt back was pretty darn aggressive (to the point I no longer felt comfortably safe).  Too scared to push further!  I'd like to stick around in one piece for a while longer to enjoy this thing!  :-)

Stability/Maneuverability:  Very solid and was able to easily negotiate my ins and outs as normal throughout the community. While not as maneuverable as my IPS T350+ (or guessing any other 16" EU), it was surprisingly close to as maneuverable.  I actually found the ht of the unit to be a plus, making it much easier to ride on a single leg, easier to control, and affording an opportunity to bend my knees a little as I "gripped" the unit with my knees to change positions now and then.  This let me ease the feet discomfort often associated with longer rides.  The unit ht also makes it nice to move it freely when the unit is off, although I do have to bend over a little.

Hill Climbing:  Easily maintained 25 kph while going up many pretty darn steep hills, some several blocks long even.

Off road:  This is where the KS 18A blows my IPS out of the water.  Off road/bumps/surface inconsistencies are much easier to traverse and negotiate!

Voltage:  Although I know very little what this represents (many on here do), my voltage stayed between 55 and 65 throughout my ride to include the hills and changing speeds. Actually, maintained 60-65 until the battery was at ~ 50-60% charge remaining.

Overall Impression: There's really only one single thing I'd change at this point (although NOT a big issue) and that's the high pitched sound the wheel emits.  Even though it does kinda fade in the background after a while, it's still like having low grade Tinnitus for 3 hours. However, once the daylight arrived and the environment became a little busier, the ringing in my ear ceased and, for the most part, went unnoticed. 

In my opinion, for me and my riding style..........this thing is absolutely awesome!

Purchase recommended!!!!!!!


Thanks for the overview,@Sweet M

1 hour ago, Sweet M said:

Voltage:  Although I know very little what this represents (many on here do), my voltage stayed between 55 and 65 throughout my ride to include the hills and changing speeds. Actually, maintained 60-65 until the battery was at ~ 50-60% charge remaining.

You didn't mention how big a battery you got (I think? Maybe I missed it, I might be a bit drunk now... :P), but with "enough" battery packs, the voltage sag should be very low, like it sounds to be. 



Overall Impression: There's really only one single thing I'd change at this point (although NOT a big issue) and that's the high pitched sound the wheel emits.  Even though it does kinda fade in the background after a while, it's still like having low grade Tinnitus for 3 hours. However, once the daylight arrived and the environment became a little busier, the ringing in my ear ceased and, for the most part, went unnoticed. 

In my opinion, for me and my riding style..........this thing is absolutely awesome!

Purchase recommended!!!!!!!

After hearing many people praise the 18" King Song, I've been thinking if I should get one for next summer, although it's a bit pricey, plus I've got custom-packs I'd like to use with it (4 * 192Wh), which might not be possible (they're separate 16S -packs, don't know if they can be fitted in the shell). About the sound, this is just guessing, but if the PWM (pulse width modulation) -frequency of the wheel drive control is within the human hearing range (about < 20kHz), the coils of the motor can start vibrating with it, causing a sound (usually high-pitched, as the frequency is probably still > 10kHz) that can be heard by humans, that's why usually a higher frequency is used. Other than that, it could be the bearings (or something else) too.

2 hours ago, esaj said:

Thanks for the overview,@Sweet M

You didn't mention how big a battery you got (I think? Maybe I missed it, I might be a bit drunk now... :P), but with "enough" battery packs, the voltage sag should be very low, like it sounds to be. 


After hearing many people praise the 18" King Song, I've been thinking if I should get one for next summer, although it's a bit pricey, plus I've got custom-packs I'd like to use with it (4 * 192Wh), which might not be possible (they're separate 16S -packs, don't know if they can be fitted in the shell). About the sound, this is just guessing, but if the PWM (pulse width modulation) -frequency of the wheel drive control is within the human hearing range (about < 20kHz), the coils of the motor can start vibrating with it, causing a sound (usually high-pitched, as the frequency is probably still > 10kHz) that can be heard by humans, that's why usually a higher frequency is used. Other than that, it could be the bearings (or something else) too.

My bad.....680 Wh battery

4 hours ago, esaj said:


 I've got custom-packs I'd like to use with it (4 * 192Wh)

The KS-18a has alot of dead space inside the unit that will accomodate extra battery packs,(I've  got 2 132Wh batteries waiting for installation into my 520 Wh KS-18a.I was one of the first to order the new 800w unit and have had it since the beginning of october but have held off installing them until I get the non functioning bluetooth app settings to work,(a few units in the early batch including mine have bad bluetooth bin files that wont allow the settings to be changed.)I'm receiving a usb bluetooth flash dongle on Monday from Will @ electricunicyclereviews that should allow me to flash a new bin file to the bluetooth module and fix the settings problem.If it works,I'll be able to help others in the SoCal area with the same problem.I will also be finally able to ride and review this unit with it's full capabilities actualized instead of being limited to the default setting of "study mode".


Hey @Sweet M did your KS18 come with an attachable seat? If so, have you tried riding on it? I feel like that would be a great knees saver for long trips. These machines need some shock absorbers...

26 minutes ago, edwin_rm said:

Hey @Sweet M did your KS18 come with an attachable seat? If so, have you tried riding on it? I feel like that would be a great knees saver for long trips. These machines need some shock absorbers...

It did come with one and it fits nicely.  I can ride on it and can definitely see the benefits of its use.  However, for me personally, it's not comfortable or convenient to use since I'm not what I would consider flexible AT ALL!  I would say that if a person was about 5'8" or less or up to 5'10" and more flexible there'd be no problem.  True though......it is a great option.


Thank you for the review @Sweet M. What was the ambient temperature during your ride? I am still trying to unravel the mystery of certain inconsistencies in the max distance stats for kingsong.

On 12/8/2015 at 10:39 PM, Cloud said:

Will someone get both kingsong 18 and gotway Msuper already? :) the battle of the titans is yet to come!!

I WISH! Can you hear me Santa?

  • 1 month later...
On 12/8/2015 at 0:15 PM, Sweet M said:

Just received my KS 18A today from Will @KaleOsaurusRex.  

The thing is like a "MONSTER TRUCK", although a very versatile and maneuverable one!  Upon unboxing this streamlined beast, I found it to be in perfect condition (thanks again Will)!  The new app/BT connected flawlessly allowing access to the unit's ISN, speed/alarm etc settings, and speed/voltage/electricity/temp/odometer gauges. Charger/USB ports worked great as well! 

The "My Unicycle" name that displays once connected still shows KS14C which we're thinking is simply an over-sighted typo in the redesigning of the app.  However, KS 18A indeed is the source noted/recognized when connecting the app.  If simply connecting the KS 18's speakers via BT, which are of much better quality than I would have expected, you'll simply choose "King Song"  as your BT recognized device. All lights and the light sensor work great! Pedals are higher off the ground allowing for tight turns without pedal scrape.  I put air in the tire to the recommended 40 psi without the need of an extender and the battery arrived to me charged at 8 out of the 10 bars.  Power and stability seem great thus far for what little I rode this evening.

Sent in my ISN & now.....simply awaiting my authorization code to be able to establish my alarm/speed/rocker levels.  

Am planning a long distance, hill intensive, speed changing, bob/weave maneuvering, on/off roading, and stop/starting adventure this weekend.

More to come.....................................  :-)


Pictured are my KS 18A, IPS T350+ (16"), and back behind.....an Airwheel X8 (16").





Where do I find the ISN on my wheel and what is the contact/email info? I am thanking you in advance^^ 

2 hours ago, Yashaya Yasharahla said:

Where do I find the ISN on my wheel and what is the contact/email info? I am thanking you in advance^^ 

You should be able to locate your ISN in the settings of your King Song App.  Once you have that number, you can unlock it to be able to set settings as I have described.

  • 3 months later...


@Sweet M What are you're impressions after half a year of riding it already?


On 12/11/2015 at 4:06 PM, Sweet M said:

Max Speed:  Was able to exceed 30 kph cruising comfortably at 32 kph and maxed out at a little over 22 mph (exactly 35.83 according to the app).  At that max speed, the tilt back was pretty darn aggressive (to the point I no longer felt comfortably safe).  Too scared to push further!  I'd like to stick around in one piece for a while longer to enjoy this thing!  :-)

Also, I want to point out KS-18 runs real speed, as proven in the following video at minute 7:09 (with a speed gun :o)




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