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Worried about 1.2.9


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I have an e+ on the way from China right now (my first wheel). I'm worried it might have 1.2.9 preloaded from the factory. Is there a way to check the software version and update without risking damage? It sounds from the 1.2.9  thread like some people have damaged boards even when not moving, but I can't see how to connect without powering on... 

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Mine came with 1.2.5.  Before I even rode it, I updated to 1.3 and have never looked back.  Powered it on just long enough to make the Bluetooth connection and update.  Powered back down, then back on and voila.  I do understand your concern though.  I guess I lucked out with my version instead of 1.2.9.

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You can always power it on with it laying on its side instead of up on its tyre - it'll beep at you complaining that it's not right, but should still allow connection to the app for upgrade of software / interrogation etc.?

It would appear the part of the circuit on the motherboard which drives the motor isn't active unless it's upright.

To be honest, I'd be surprised if it arrived with 1.2.9 on it as it wasn't available for long (too long in my case, but I'm just the fool who accepted the update!) ;)

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Thanks for the input. I'll try it on its side when it gets here, and hope that avoids damage. I know the risk is low but it would really suck to be tracking down replacement parts before I even get to step on the thing. 

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When I got my E+ about a month ago it was loaded with 1.2.5.  Given the disaster with 1.2.9 I don't think they would pre-load any 9B1 with that version!  It was only live for a short time, which even makes the likelihood less.



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If it has actually *shipped* with 1.2.9, I wouldn't be too worried because they do test the devices before shipping, including switching on and moving them about. It's not going to die on the very first switch on for you unless their QA is really that dumb.

FWIW, I upgraded my new bot to 1.2.9 on first arrival (oops?) but it survived the week anyway before I read all the threads in the forum. There's usually a silent majority that gets lucky.

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