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I have a question for the forum. Went out today for my 4th ride on the Nikola. The wheel started beeping around 20 mph. None of my alarms(Darkness bot app) are set that low. I was wondering if Gotway alerts you to speeds over 20mph for an Initial number of miles I know Kingsong(18XL) limits your top speed for the first couple of hundred to below 25mph. Any insights would be appreciated.


21 minutes ago, Wig said:

I was wondering if Gotway alerts you to speeds over 20mph for an Initial number of miles


There aren't many beeps. Speed beeps (2 or 3 beeps, called the 1st and 2nd alarm) which can be disabled, and 80% alarm = 3rd alarm (5/continuous beeps) which cannot be disabled, low battery beeps (1 or 2 or 3 beeps but slower) which cannot be disabled, and that's about it.

Any app can only make your phone beep, never the wheel. The wheel does not know or care about app alarms.

23 minutes ago, Wig said:

The wheel started beeping around 20 mph.

That's most likely just the speed beeps which traditionally are at 30kph (~20mph) and 35kph (not sure if these numbers apply for the Nikola or are different).

You just need to disable the 1st/2nd alarm speed beeps.

An app can disable (or enable) these two speed beeps.

32 minutes ago, Ronin Ryder said:

Interesting i have the same issue. I would change the alarms levels on euc world it would still beep at 20mph...

There are the alarms internal to EUC World, and then there is the command to disable the wheel's speed beeps. You might have done the first but not the second.

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