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Got any tips for "Penduluming"?


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Find a wall or hold a door frame and just go back and forth to get an idea of how it feels. I did that for a long time then tried to rely on the wall less and less until I completely let go. I also found that the smaller the wheel the easier to pendulum.

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I started by stopping for a second then continuing forward. Then reversing only a few inches, and continue forward. Then a foot, two feet, etc.

 It is much easier on dirt than on pavement, as correcting maneuvers are easier to do. And as @Flyboy10 mentioned, wheels with smaller tires are much more responsive to do the corrections and direction changes on.

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Anyone have specific tips for idling on heavier wheels like the Nikola?  I can idle all day long on the MTen3, but having a hard time even going fwd - back - fwd even once on the Nikola.

Yes OP, I agree -- pendulum was my gateway to riding backwards.  Once you can do that, then reversing is easy, and then you expand the distance you can ride backwards gradually.

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Funny, many of you seem to start to learn pendulums before going backwards. For me it was easier to start pendulums after learning to ride backwards. The biggest problem wasn't to go backwards per se, but to stop and get it going forwards again. I was used to drive in hard mode on my KS18L, but the pedals where simply too stiff. Then I changed to medium mode and that changed everything. From there it was much easier to do pendulums.

I had the chance to try out a Inmotion V10F the other day and although I did not like the pedal behaviour during a normal ride, as they seemed to massively tilt back and forth during direction change, it made it verrry easy to do pendulums.

So, if your wheel has different riding modes aka pedal stiffnesses, try a softer one, it might help.

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