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What kind of alarm did I get?


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two days ago I went for a ride in a wood with my KS18 XL. I went up a very steep incline. The narrow path was coverd with leafes, ca. 30 zentimeters high. Big stones and branches lay underneath. I demanded everything from the wheel, as far as this is possible without side pads. Approximately 900 meters after fighting up that hill I got a alarm I never noticed before. I know the two different alarms (voice disabled) of low battery enough, also I managed it to get my wheel shouting at me "caution overpower" last week, even though voice alarms are disabled. This time it was different. The wheel beeped as hell, tilted all the way back and only one red led on each led strip blinked. I tried to shut off and on again the wheel. Same alarm. I shut off again and waited two minutes. After that I could ride again but stil on that incline. It was too steep to cary the wheel up, I tried. I made the last 100 meters to the top and got that alarm again. I made a short video of that secound time.



I don't use any apps so I can't figur out what sort of alarm this might be. Air temperatur was around 20 °c. The fan was not running. Battery was at 70 % minimum.

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8 minutes ago, Mossi said:

The fan was not running.

Strange. Folliwing your description i'd guessed forbl overheat alarm. 

Use an app next time, so you can log the values. Maybe the fan is dead?

... Or some more experienced member can tell from the beeping the exact cause...

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11 minutes ago, Chriull said:

Or some more experienced member can tell from the beeping the exact cause...

I was hoping so. It was definitely no overheating alarm. Marty Backe did a stress test with overheating and his alarm was different.

Edited by Mossi
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