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POLL: How do you use your EUC? (Commuting, Leisure, distance,...)


How do you use your EUC? (Commuting, Leisure, distance,...)  

101 members have voted

  1. 1. Where do you live?

    • City center (or not far)
    • City suburbs
    • Rural environment
  2. 2. What is the use for your EUC?

    • Work commuting mainly (going from point A to point B to go to work)
    • Private life commuting mainly (going from point A to point B to go shopping, visiting friends & family,...)
    • Leisure mainly (the aim is mainly to have fun)
    • Private life and Leisure
    • Everything (Except sleeping with it)
  3. 3. For commuting, what is the average distance you do with your EUC in a day? (roundtrip)

    • Not applicable
    • 0-10 km (up to 6.2 miles)
    • 10-30 km (up to 18.6 miles)
    • More than 30km (18.6 miles)
  4. 4. For leisure, what is the average distance you do with your EUC in a day?

    • Not applicable
    • 0-30 km (up to 18.6 miles)
    • 30-60 km (up to 37.3 miles)
    • More than 60 km (37.3 miles)
  5. 5. How long have you been riding EUC?

    • less than 6 months
    • Less than a year
    • Less than 3 years
    • I was one of the first

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Thing thing is with this poll you are more or less either a commuter or a leisure rider. I  am both. 

What I am not is a speed/race driver. 

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1 minute ago, Unventor said:

Thing thing is with this poll you are more or less either a commuter or a leisure rider. I  am both. 

What I am not is a speed/race driver. 

You can answer "everything" to question 2.

And then indicate your distance for commuting question 3, for leisure question 4.

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Good idea, @SamSuffit!  :thumbup:

This should provide an interesting glimpse into riding habits (among forum users at least).

Since this poll stems from a discussion the S18 thread, I think it might be worth adding a question about off-roading, maybe just when leisure riding (I don't imagine many people off-road as part of their commute, but looking at the results, @Gasmantle might be the exception ;)). I propose "all asphalt (roads and/or paved bike lines)", "mostly asphalt and some unpaved paths", "about 50/50", "mostly off-road, paved roads are boring", and "the only purpose asphalt serves when joy riding is to get me to where it ends"). Or something like that, it's your poll :D

P.S. What data junkies we are... :efef2e0fff:

Edited by travsformation
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2 minutes ago, travsformation said:

Good idea, @SamSuffit! Or something like that, it's your poll :D

P.S. What data junkies we are

I am not all against it, but the poll format for me is limited. When i tried to ask another question in the poll (about speed habits: how fast do you drive cruising?), i was not able to. It says i reached the maximum number of question.

If you have the admin power to add some more question, please do it. I would gladly then ask question about terrain.

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37 minutes ago, Unventor said:

Thing thing is with this poll you are more or less either a commuter or a leisure rider. I  am both. 


33 minutes ago, SamSuffit said:

You can answer "everything" to question 2.

And then indicate your distance for commuting question 3, for leisure question 4.

If I start painting with my EUC again what category does that fit into? ;)

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1 minute ago, SamSuffit said:

Depending if you still ride it or not :lol:

In these strange times the question should perhaps read what do you normally use it for.

The leisure distance is missing a smaller distance. It would also be interesting to show the average speed a rider rides at and perhaps a required top speed.

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Main uses for me are

- useful trips around city on one hand, (10-30km) and

- the other leisurely rides more outside the city, where length is only limited by battery and fast charger break. (100+km)

To me the whole point of having suspensions would be to ride far with less fatigue.

Edited by null
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52 minutes ago, mike_bike_kite said:

In these strange times the question should perhaps read what do you normally use it for.

The leisure distance is missing a smaller distance. It would also be interesting to show the average speed a rider rides at and perhaps a required top speed.

Yes indeed, the question should be understood as what you normally use it for (it has been a while I did not cruise long distance on my EUC... :( )

Concerning the leisure distance: I want to keep the number of possible answers as low as possible. More enjoyable to answer (so more answers), and human brain is very limited (https://eu.usatoday.com/story/money/columnist/2018/07/31/brain-science-too-many-options-overwhelm/866236002/). Furthermore 30km for a battery is very limited, nearly all models can reach it (including inmotion v8).  And when you launch a poll, you cannot be sure about the answers. And once launched, difficult to change existing questions: what about people who already answered it? So indeed I think it might have been nice to know, but not really worth the change IMHO.

Concerning the speed: I agree with you. As indicated above, there is a technical limitation on the number of questions. Maybe the mods/admin can change it, let's wait...

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2 hours ago, Unventor said:

Thing thing is with this poll you are more or less either a commuter or a leisure rider. I  am both. 

What I am not is a speed/race driver. 

I am all three + circus. Why miss out on all the free Adrenalin?


This is not me ... I am the one 500 m ahead ... 🤣 

Edited by Toshio Uemura
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On 5/9/2020 at 1:26 PM, SamSuffit said:

If you have the admin power to add some more question, please do it. I would gladly then ask question about terrain.

Nope, the only thing it'll let me do as a mod is close the poll :efee612b4b:

Well, regardless of terrain, this poll still provides valuable information. 44 voters so far, I hope more people participate! 

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On 5/9/2020 at 1:36 PM, mike_bike_kite said:

 It would also be interesting to show the average speed a rider rides at and perhaps a required top speed.

 I added a poll on speed and safety, as it was missing in the previous polls:

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Based on the (very preliminary) data from this poll and the other two linked in this thread (not enough votes yet to be representative):

85% of users live in the city or suburbs. Most users use their wheel for everything, from commuting to running errands and leisure, with only 30% who don’t use it for leisure and 18% for leisure only.

Distance-wise, daily commutes are mostly up to 10 km (43%), with 30% being up to 30 km—more than that is rare. For leisure, most riders (55%) don’t do tours longer than 30 km, with rides from 30-60 km in length being the average for 35% of users. That means 90% of users don't go on tours longer than 60 km.

Off-roading is uncommon for commutes (for 86% of users it involves maximum a short stretch of unpaved road), while for leisure riding, it makes up a maximum of 25% of most users’ riding. For 45% of riders, leaving the asphalt/tarmac involves easy-going scenic routes. 68% of all riders who answered the poll aren’t interested in off-roading for the sake of off-roading (9% don’t leave the asphalt, 23% prefer flat, compacted and well-maintained scenic routes and 36% don’t mind a few ruts and bumps, but nothing too challenging, off-roading isn’t their main priority)

Off-roading enthusiasts only make up about 1/3 of all riders, and of those riders, 68% don’t tend to go on tours longer than 15 km. Riders who do 30 km or more account for about 32% (27% do 30-60 km, and only 4.5% more than 60).

In terms of riding speeds, only 16% of riders cruise at 50 km/h or more, with the most common cruising speed being 35 km/h (42%). Only 18% of users ever surpass 50 km/h, the most common max. speed is 50 km/h (37%), followed by 45 km/h (29%).

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  • 1 month later...

For work commuting on weekdays (pre-C-19). Less than 4 miles round trip and infrequently. 

For liesure on weekends. Avg. 2 miles. No riding since the stay home order in March. 

Hence I'm not a great rider yet. Not enough practice. 

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  • 3 years later...
On 5/9/2020 at 12:44 AM, SamSuffit said:

Hi all,

I got the idea for this poll from another discussion in the forum. And I am not aware of another poll asking the same question. So I decided to create it.

Even if it is heavily biased (forum users are not representative of EUC users), I thought it would be a good idea to know a bit better what do we do with our EUC.

The more people answer, the more interesting it gets! :)

Edit: Please find the others polls (speed & safety, off-road) here:


great and interesting poll

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Hey Kingsong.

Instead of chasing after watts and mileage how about setting a watt limit of say 2000w and simply create the lightest motor and suspension to fit that goal.

Kind of like the V8 was aimed at 800-1000w and then made really lightweight.

Also how about having three battery compartments? Two thin ones on the sides, and one chunky one on top. I'd likely ride without the third pack but I can add it for longer rides. That way you cover commuting and range minded in ONE wheel.

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And stop making the wheels so complex electronically. How are they going to survive 5/10 years? It's almost like the flashier they seem the shorter the lifespan. 

Instead of a smart bms with all that warning circuitry to the board. How about just a manual diagnostic mode (button on the pack, or probing points) and temperature monitoring. That's all we need.

Edited by alcatraz
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1 hour ago, alcatraz said:

And stop making the wheels so complex electronically. How are they going to survive 5/10 years? It's almost like the flashier they seem the shorter the lifespan. 

Instead of a smart bms with all that warning circuitry to the board. How about just a manual diagnostic mode (button on the pack, or probing points) and temperature monitoring. That's all we need.

great opinion,thanks.

i will let our engineers know.

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