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KS 16x Tips?


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Hi All.. I recently moved to a KS16x from an Inmotion V8.. I am not an early beginner.. but i am by no means an expert at riding.. I nervously get around NYC not so terribly on a wheel.. So i am still in the noob category for sure! 

So far most of what i learned translated pretty good over to the KS16x.. The one thing i am noticing that is getting me.. Is stopping..

Not only do i get wobbles when moderately braking, but i tend to not always have the best control over the wheel when i dismount. So far this hasn't been too bad.. But it is enough for me to ask and see if anyone has any tips specifically regarding the KS16x for those situations! I did search around a bit.. but was not finding too much.. 

Any other tips are most certainly welcome!!

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What has helped me with the dismount is exactly what some else on the forum said. Come to a determined or rather quick stop rather than slowly creeping down to a stop. That way you can dismount quickly before you start losing balance and feel a fall coming, and the whole movement just starts to unravel, if you get my drift!

I haven't had braking wobbles so I don't know anything there ... don't even know why I don't have them! Maybe it's a combination of my weight and tire pressure. I'm about 230 to 240 pounds and use about 41 psi in the Chao Yang tire. Anyway, no experience to offer there.

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