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Short L columns for MCM5 pedals


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To me the MCM's pedals are too low as much of my turnining involves leaning the unicycle heavily. At bestt the MCM5 can be dilted 30 degrees and those pedals also have a propensitiy to scrape if the pedal pitch drops due to voltage/amp drop as you ride.

I love the pedal height of my V5 and would like to raise the pedals on the MCM5. By looking at the L Column length I think it would suit a 16" wheel...

The question does anyone know any columns which are shorter which would fit?

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15 hours ago, Delmeekc said:

I did the 2.5" tyre mod that solved this issue.  A lot of work but worth it in the end, I also raised the body a little, both together have made a massive difference in the ride and pedal scrape problem.

You may raise some height but you are giving up the

  • manoeuvrability by increasing the the width. Already with 2.15" the mcm is not that amazing in terms of manouvering..
  • being able to lean, with a wider wheel leaning is much harder, kind of defeats the point of raising the height of the pedals.

I also feel the MCM gives a very confy ride compared to other 14" wheels even when I pump the tire to 42PSI (I weight 88kg), normally have it at 39PSI. Not sure why you need the wider tire. Do you have issues staying on the wheel?

Overall going for a wider wheel seems pretty pointless, maybe you can ride with the tire at low pressure and hit the bump better, but if that is what you want, just get your self a Tesla or Nikola...

Maybe the Mten3 L columns fit but those are probably too short.....

So I guess I am going to have to have the L columns custom machined unless someone can tell me what else can fit.


Edited by OneLeg
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I was hunting the same thing down awhile ago. This guy on Instagram from Russia will sell them to you for about $180. They come in 3 sizes: 10mm, 15mm, and 20mm

I passed. I’ll play with an mcm5 for awhile and maybe if I can’t tolerate the height I’ll consider. Seems crazy expensive for a simple fix. And considering the longest size still only lifts 2cm, it’s not something I am excited for. 

If you find a solution for it I’m very interested in hearing about it lol.

Edited by Denny Paul
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I used to run 45psi on the original tyre which was the lowest I could go, ride was still hard and feel all the bumps on poor pavements. With the 2.5 there is more side wall depth and I run at 35psi, now the ride is much softer and I can go up and down dropped kerbs easy. The overall control has remained the same but it is more stable at the higher end of the speed too, less squirrelly.

I raised the body to negate cutting the main case and covers as it give the extra clearance for the slightly wider and taller tyre.

No issues riding, I use it for the (well on hold at the moment) first and last 2 mile commute to work.  Perfect size and power for lifting and using the trolley when it's too busy.

I've been teaching my son for the last two days and manoeuvrability isn't an issue.

I also have a newly purchased MSuperX for the fun rides, when I get back on the MCM5 it's so easy to ride and effortless.


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23 hours ago, OneLeg said:
  • being able to lean, with a wider wheel leaning is much harder, kind of defeats the point of raising the height of the pedals.

It’s kind of the opposite: A wider tire will turn the same amount with a lesser tilt, so it will increase the pedal clearance in turns already because of that.

23 hours ago, OneLeg said:

Overall going for a wider wheel seems pretty pointless

It sure isn’t though. The improvements in stability on both smooth and rough surfaces is worth the effort if you ask me.

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On 4/23/2020 at 11:46 AM, Denny Paul said:


I was hunting the same thing down awhile ago. This guy on Instagram from Russia will sell them to you for about $180. They come in 3 sizes: 10mm, 15mm, and 20mm

I passed. I’ll play with an mcm5 for awhile and maybe if I can’t tolerate the height I’ll consider. Seems crazy expensive for a simple fix. And considering the longest size still only lifts 2cm, it’s not something I am excited for. 

If you find a solution for it I’m very interested in hearing about it lol.


I think this picture says it all but US$180.... even in at HK's manual laboour rates I get them cheaper... It is good to see the finished product... Also have to hack the lateral panels. But that is the least of it. The MCM pedals scrape and sometimes lock on the ground so you need to be very careful with leaning.... my V5F pedals are like sanded down due to scraping...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I did the 2.5" tire mod to my MCM5 this weekend and so far love it.  I actually thought the MCM5 was more squirrely and maneuverable with the 2.5".  I almost lost it upon first stepping on it but quickly adapted.  I rode the smaller tire at 60PSI, but I weigh about 270lb so I ran it really high.  I am running the new tire at 45psi and it definitely has more give and is way smoother going over curb cuts and bumps.  I spent about 4 hours taking the wheel apart and cutting the plastic and then putting it back together.  I did not have any of the right tools for cutting the plastic so that took a while with side cutters and a razor knife.  I still haven't cut the trim plastic since I want that to look neater than what I did for the black case plastic.   I do hear the slightest bit of rubbing but only when I am doing tight circles (like 2 foot radius).  I can attest that I can do circles tighter now than before as I can lean it even harder without scraping.   Typically the toes of my shoes would catch and I do an instant 180, always a bit exciting when that happens.

All in all, I am really happy I did this and will play around with tire pressure a bit more and I bet it will be even better.  They should have made this with a 2.5" tire to begin with.

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