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King Song S18 Discussion

Phong Vu

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1 minute ago, Fahrtwind said:

Not sure why the S18 stopped charging

They made charging changes to the firmware after (I think) 2.02... what firmware are you running? I'm on 2.12


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On 2/12/2022 at 3:29 PM, Chriull said:

This could maybe only help joule counters showing battery capacity, which are not used in EUCs (just some ninebots?)

I was letting it drain to let the battery re-calibrate itself, from what you are saying the batteries aren't smart enough so its not required. Good to know, thank you!

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On 2/12/2022 at 3:28 PM, The Brahan Seer said:

Once every 3-4 months

I balance charged my 16S once a week, and still the cells died prematurely. If I were you, I would study battery behavior and the EUC charging processes very closely before taking a risk of preventing almost all balance charging. KingSongs seem to be the worst in the area of balancing, possibly due to insufficiently low balancing currents.


On 2/12/2022 at 3:28 PM, The Brahan Seer said:

I personally don't like charging beyond the green light because excess charging causes extra strain on the batteries.

What balancing is is distributing the voltage from full cell groups to the ones that aren’t as full. So the full cells should never get overcharged even wheel left at the charger. There’s also the overvoltage protection on each BMS that stops all charging once any of the cell groups reach 4.25V or so. This can happen if the voltage balance is badly off, in which case the dying cells are the one killing the battery anyway, not overcharging. Bottom line, I don’t think there’s a practical reason to prevent balance charging while hoping to prevent excessive charging. Quite the opposite.


On 2/12/2022 at 3:28 PM, The Brahan Seer said:

I have documented the behaviour of my batteries so will know very quickly if something isn't quite right.  As long as everything is behaving as it should ie hitting 100% charge in the time frame required then additional 'battery balancing' is not required.

The potential issue is that you timing the charge is not nearly as precise as the great precision of BMS balancing. I hope you can catch things before they go haywire.


6 hours ago, The Brahan Seer said:

I was letting it drain to let the battery re-calibrate itself, from what you are saying the batteries aren't smart enough so its not required. Good to know, thank you!

@Chriull is right, there’s absolutely no reason to drain your batteries. Especially if you’re cautious of wearing the cells out. When an EUC shows the battery as 0%, The cells are still well within their regular operating range. And there is no component in an EUC that would benefit from an occasional low battery.

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@mrelwood I should have clarified I don't just take the time it takes to charge to 100% but also the range I experience from each charge. I would imagine if the battery starts to fail this will be seen with a lower range and sluggishness.  Any excessive charging will cause extra wear and tare on the battery. I understand how the battery balances itself from previous correspondence with you. Physically cells are very simple and not complicated but its the chemistry that causes the issues,   I just don't think cells suddenly fail often and if they do its due to excess wear and tare. I also won't use fast chargers for this reason. I appreciate what you are saying and understand the logic for doing so. I just don't think its required with a battery less than 2-3 years old.

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On 2/14/2022 at 11:58 AM, The Brahan Seer said:

I just don't think its required with a battery less than 2-3 years old.

I hope everything goes well with your wheel. And it probably will, to be honest. Just a few reference points though:

- My 16S was less than 1 year of age when the first pack failed at 4000km.

- If you start feeling sluggishness while accelerating, a cell group has already failed beyond repair.

- I haven’t seen or heard about a single case where an EUC battery pack would’ve failed prematurely due to excessive charging. I’ve seen a few dozen that failed clearly due to insufficient balancing though.

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@mrelwood The 5-6 hour charge time for the S18 is ample for gross balancing (which is used for unbalanced cells)

 Balancing time= Battery Capacity expressed in amp hours divided by charger capacity in amps

= 13/2.5 = 5 hours. Which is when the green light comes on.

ref: https://www.ionenergy.co/resources/blogs/cell-balancing-battery-life/

I would look into why the batteries failed to give sufficient balancing rather than say its due to insufficient balancing. They don't fail to balance for no reason.

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on the s18, balancing starts only after the green light is on, gross balancing is not really related.

It is a bit complicated, but I think the advice to let it balance (keep it n the charges after the green light it on) for 5-6 hours every week or so, is on the safe side. 


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1 hour ago, mrelwood said:

- My 16S was less than 1 year of age when the first pack failed at 4000km.

My KS-16S 680Wh after 7500km (1.5y old), daily commuting all weather, sometimes longer trip. Charged by 95% supplied charger and 5% by quick charger (4A).
Voltage at the end of charging with balance = 67.7V, after about 7h disconnected lowers to 67.4V. EUCw batt resistance 0.13-0.19 Ohm.
Never left totaly depleted for longer time than hour. Sometimes (less than 5%) charged only to 80%. At least every 4-5th charging with balancing time.
My last trip few days ago was 38.5km (about 85kg total) EUC World said 506Wh used (about 7°C outside temp, EUCw ride record is here. During summer it was lets say about 15-20% better (as expected - temp and weight and 1200+-km less)
No special issues visible.
Sorry to be OT, hope this could help someone...

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3 minutes ago, enaon said:

on the s18, balancing starts only after the green light is on, gross balancing is not really related.

They still use "normal BMS" as in the wheels before? I can't remember any reports of some special new BMS for this wheel? Did i miss something?

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14 minutes ago, Chriull said:

They still use "normal BMS" as in the wheels before? I can't remember any reports of some special new BMS for this wheel? Did i miss something?

I am not sure how it was before, I am not very sure how it is now to be honest, I have one here and the sub signal puzzles me, I was mainly saying that balancing is not active on this bms. 


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1 hour ago, enaon said:

I am not sure how it was before, I am not very sure how it is now to be honest, I have one here and the sub signal puzzles me, I was mainly saying that balancing is not active on this bms. 


Then it seems to be the normal balancing https://forum.electricunicycle.org/topic/22109-passive-balancing-a-simulation/#comment-359235 which happens in the CV stage and after the charger is unplugged after the green led.

Of course the current threshold of the green charger light has to be at some sane value.

Leaving the charger on after the green light shiuld not really help more. Maybe there are some tendencies once the cells in the pack are "bordeline" znbalanced and should be exchanged anyhow.

This passive top balancing has it's limits, the cells are quite heavily burdened by riding eucs and are consumables. Normaly this sytem wirks quite ok together. Thank KS that they have now like ninebot before cell voltages reported!

So no theories are needed anymore - one can see the state anytime!


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1 hour ago, Chriull said:

Then it seems to be the normal balancing https://forum.electricunicycle.org/topic/22109-passive-balancing-a-simulation/#comment-359235 which happens in the CV stage and after the charger is unplugged after the green led.

Of course the current threshold of the green charger light has to be at some sane value.

Leaving the charger on after the green light shiuld not really help more. Maybe there are some tendencies once the cells in the pack are "bordeline" znbalanced and should be exchanged anyhow.

This passive top balancing has it's limits, the cells are quite heavily burdened by riding eucs and are consumables. Normaly this sytem wirks quite ok together. Thank KS that they have now like ninebot before cell voltages reported!

So no theories are needed anymore - one can see the state anytime!


on the packs I have here each bms has a series of leds, one for each cell, they are supposed to indicate the bleeding stage , I have not seen them light up while the charger led is red, but I will verify. 



aahh ok, I understand now what you are saying. I do not disagree, my comment was about balancing during the 5 hours of charging time The Brahan Seer talked about, but yes if bleeding stage is reached and few hours after removing the charger the total voltage is what it was supposed to be, all is ok. 

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1 minute ago, enaon said:

on the packs I have here each bms has a series of leds, one for each cell, they are supposed to indicate the discharge stage of the balancing process

pictures? Wouldn't it be something if you could mod the battery case so these can be viewed? Then you'd know when they're done balancing... not that I expect it to change how I'd charge, but it'd be interesting!

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6 hours ago, Tawpie said:

pictures? Wouldn't it be something if you could mod the battery case so these can be viewed? Then you'd know when they're done balancing... not that I expect it to change how I'd charge, but it'd be interesting!

By such leds, showing active bleeding resistors one cannot see once balancing is done. They will light as long as the charger is attached (and some cells are unbalanced)  An important step for balancing is to disconnect the charger and led the cells with the little bit of overcharge discharge this little bit again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some updates. I´ve driven 120km on the S18 so far and really feel familar with it. I found some time for a closer look at the suspension. Without the damper (uninstalled), there was too much friction at the suspension fork, the wheel did not compress/decompress by gravity. So I decided to loosen the four screws holding the axle and the friction was gone completely! Then I started to tighten the screws step by step cross wise, checking the friction regulary. I think, now the suspension works as it should, the whole procedure was done in 30 minutes - the improvement is huge!

Another thing that attract my attention: the board temperature shows always 15°C. (KS App and Darknessbot) Even if the enviroment is 20°C...and while using the wheel, it does rise by 2 -3 degrees only... Is this something I have to be worried about?



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8 hours ago, Fahrtwind said:

Another thing that attract my attention: the board temperature shows always 15°C. (KS App and Darknessbot) Even if the enviroment is 20°C...and while using the wheel, it does rise by 2 -3 degrees only... Is this something I have to be worried about?

I wouldn't worry too much about it, if the wheel is under warranty I'd let your reseller know so that you have a record that it happened before the warranty ran out. But the motors basically never overheat, so the measurement isn't "necessary".

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Ok, I thought it is the board temperature...and I already had a temperature warning on my V8F after driving a very steep hill in summertime. The wheel asked me for cool down, pedals were tilted.

I will have a look how the wheel behaves in Summer. Maybe it is just a kind of an offset... Thanks

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Just now, Fahrtwind said:

I thought it is the board temperature...and I already had a temperature warning on my V8F after driving a very steep hill in summertime.

krap, I need more coffee. Board temperature is very important. S18s are generally cool running and don't have a history of overheating so it's probably not critical? But since it does seem to move with use, I'd treat it as you suggest: pretend it has an offset.

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  • 4 weeks later...
54 minutes ago, dycus said:

I wrapped my S18 with pink and green fluorescent vinyl,

It screams Juicy Watermelon Bubble Gum!! :w00t2:

Nicely done wrap job my friend. I love the alternating colors on each side. That's dope. 

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