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Trying to decide between the 67v and 84v MTen3...

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I'm a big guy (250lbs) and that has me worried the 67v MTen3 won't be able to to get me up a steep hill (say, 10%-15% gradient). I don't wanna fork out an extra $400 unnecessarily on the 84v model, what do you guys think?

I'm looking at it mostly for fun and the occasional 2-3 mile commute.

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I'd swear I've received feedback from someone in your weight range (is that naked or fully geared up for how you ride?) regards the 67-volt version. But I can't find it. Don't know if it was hear, my YouTube channel, or Facebook. Sorry.

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I'm a new Mten3 user, I got the least expensive model as the price point was very compelling and it was for me to train on and use locally, also I don't think the higher spec model really makes that much sense excepting niche use. One of the things I noticed about this wheel from Marty's comments and watching a video on it was the torque capability which appears to be massive. I think a lot of this is due to the fact that the wheel is so small in contrast to the motor which essentially behaves like a low ratio gearing you would find in a truck differential.

At 250lbs (I'm 180lbs at 5'10" for contrast) I think the big question here is how tall you are or more specifically how long your legs are. If you are more of a stocky build I think the Mten3 might be okay. One of the things that I have noticed so far with the Mten3 is that mounting for me is a bit difficult. This is obviously do to me lacking training and conditioning but it is a little bit due to how short the wheel is, the shortness makes it a little more challenging to twist your leg into for mounting. I think with longer legs this is going to be more noticeable.

In any event I would look at the Mten3 as a training device or I just want to see if I actually like this hobby test. For a small person I could easily see them getting this wheel and being perfectly happy with it.

There is one thing I have noticed so far that I should mention, especially because I've seen another rider mention it now. This wheel gets a pretty serious wobble in it. Do not that that scare you though, I'm riding on carpet still and I am still developing strength in my apparently weak feet. So I would sooner put this wobble on my particular conditions than a fault of the wheel, but I do suspect that because of the size of the wheel it may have a natural wobble dynamic to it that can only become avoidable through experience, skill and conditioning.

All that said, if you are of the mind that you want to get one wheel and not start progressing through wheels, then you may want to get a larger wheel depending on your body type. My first wheel is a KS18XL, long story short I could not successfully learn ride on it. It is a very large wheel. Not as big as a Gotway Monster but pretty darn big. This is why I got the Mten3, I was no where near ready to give up on EUC's.

One last note: I'm also a motorcycle rider. One of the things I've learned from MC riding is that finding just the right bike seems to be a lot like finding just the right EUC, it's not easy because there are many subtle and not so subtle differences in a machine that puts you in intimate contact with the pavement.

Good luck, I hope this helps.

PS: Officially the weight limit of the Mten3 is 240lbs. So you're going to have to account for additional stress on the unit if you decide to get it.

Edited by Roadpower
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