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Hoverboard charging problem


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My hoverboard will not charge the battery - the charger LED stays green. The battery is almost new, and charges fine when the charger is directly attached to it (the yellow connector). I ran the hoverboard untill battery voltage was around 39.5V, but it still wont charge. I have battery voltage at the mainboard where the battery connects, and charger voltage (41V) at the connector on the mainboard coming from the charger inlet. Somehow the voltage is not let through the mainboard to the battery. There are no error blinks on the mainboard (only nine when turned upside down) and the howerboard works just fine when riding it. It will not power up with only charger attached (battery disconnected). WIth battery and charger disconnected I have about 15V where the battery connects to the mainboard (and at the yellow battery connector towards the mainboard). When shorting the on/off switch this voltage drops slowly and rises again when the short is removed. Guess it is some of the capacitors holding charge. I have tried recalibrating without any change.

Any ideas on what causes this error? Any suspect mainboard components? I would really appreciate some advice!

I have pictures but did not see how to insert them, I will try and insert afterwards

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  • 2 months later...

Get a voltmeter...read the output of charger...got the voltage??? Then you need to start tearing down vehicle....could be broken wire to blown inline fuse or bad battery bank...

Batteries for these things are cheap...but if bad, don't throw away only one bad cell will render it 'useless', you can use for other projects...

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  • 1 month later...

·        Always plug the battery charger into the electric scooter, bike, or go kart before plugging into wall outlet. When charging is complete unplug charger from wall outlet before unplugging from scooter or bike.

·        To get the most life out of your batteries recharge them as soon as possible after every ride, even very small rides. Leaving a scooter battery in a partially discharged state lowers the useful life of the battery.

·        When an electric scooter, bike, or go kart is in storage or not being used frequently recharge the batteries at least every 30 days.

·        The Amperage of the battery charger may be decreased for longer battery life, or increased for a quicker recharge time. (see charging rate chart below)

·        To preserve the life of the batteries use a slow rate battery charger whenever possible. If a scooter is driven for more than one battery cycle per day then using a smaller battery charger overnight, and a larger battery charger during the day is the best solution.

  • When replacing electric scooter or bike batteries replace all of the batteries at the same time and with the same brand of batteries.
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5 hours ago, Terry Michael said:

·        To get the most life out of your batteries recharge them as soon as possible after every ride, even very small rides. Leaving a scooter battery in a partially discharged state lowers the useful life of the battery.

What's the argument behind this? I could not see any reason for this advice?


·        When an electric scooter, bike, or go kart is in storage or not being used frequently recharge the batteries at least every 30 days.

One should constantly charge only, if the device is draining battery (even if turned off)! Which would be a bit of a design fault - but getting batteries to empty is the worst to happen.

The best would be storage just at about 50%-60% state of charge.

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  • 4 months later...


I had the same problem on a new hoverboard from china.

On my internal charging-cable (connector to mainboard)

the polarity was mixed from the factory.

 I changed it and charging was ok.

A simple crazy error.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

Did you ever figure out what was wrong with your hoverboard?


I have a used chinese hoverboard I got from a friend. One of the old original style models (unknown brand). When he gave it to he had said it wasn't charging for him. When turning it on the batter said full power. I noticed right away that only one side works, do I took it apart and swapped gyros determining one of them was bad. I ordered two new gyros and a new charger (he had lost it before gifting it to me). I replaced the gyros and both sides now worked. I took it for a ride and noticed that as soon as I stepped off the hoverboard it would shut off. After it shut off it would not turn back on. After 5 mins I notices that the lights would flash one time when attempting to turn on (almost like there was no battery voltage only the capacitors draining). If I let it sit for an hour or so I could ride it again but no matter how short the ride it shuts off immediately when I step off and won't turn on again for another hour or so. 


I checked the new charger I got BEFORE trying it to make sure the polarity was correct. Sure enough it was wrong so I am glad I checked it first. I reversed the polarity so that positive and negative of the charger was the same as the hoverboard. My hoverboard has a 3p style charging connector with the positive of the charger plug (when viewed from front looking into the holes of the charger plug) the positive should be in the top right position. The charger they sent me was the opposite, with positive at the top left, so if I were to plug it in it would be backwards. The polarity of my charger is opposite of what the images in the listing shows but it wasn't worth sending back when I could just reverse polarity. 


Anyways, upon plugging in the properly wired charger nothing happens,  no lights no nothing. I took it apart and found that no voltage gets to the battery. I have charge voltage where the charger plug connects but no charge voltage out to the battery. The battery reads 38.9V when connected or disconnected. I originally thought there was a battery issue and the bms was acting up. But since the mobo isn't smart in terms of it doesn't read cells or make decisions based on battery condition I don't see how the charge power wouldn't make it through to the battery cable connection point (the mobo can only read absolute voltage so as long as voltage is within range it should be happy). Since the battery uses its own bms there is no reason the charge voltage wouldnt make it through the motherboard and to the battery connection aside from an issue with the mobo itself. 


Like anything else nothing is free haha, o figured i would buy a new charger and gyros and be set haha


The only thing I can think is maybe my friend used a reversed charger at some point and messed things up, possibly the mobo and battery?

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