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KS18XL 125-Mile Safety Limit Not Working


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I have a brand new KS18XL. It was manufactured 09/20/2019. It has firmware V 1.0.0. which is the latest for this new 2,200 watt motor. This is my first EUC.

I only have 62-miles on it so far, yet, within the KS App I have apparently been able to unlock speeds all the way to the advertised maximum speed of 31 MPH = ~200 Km/Hr. I've been able to do this I believe from the beginning. See screenshots on the links below. I did not expect to be able to do this, especially not unlock a full 31 mph until I rode this wheel for 125-miles = ~200 KM as I read there was no way to get around that built-in limit. But if I can believe what the software is telling me, I can go all the way up to 31 mph before experiencing tilt-back (warping they call it in app). I don't plan on going that fast to test it because like I said this is my first EUC. But don't you agree that apparently this wheel does not have hard safety limits imposed? Maybe they messed up putting that limit in on this new 2,200 watt motor with new firmware 1.0.0?

KS Full Speed Settings

62 miles on KS18XL

What do you think?

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17 minutes ago, phatmike said:

Probably you select the warp speed but the app does not save your selection. Try to open the app again, probably is still on 20km/h

Nope. I've closed and reopened the app many times and it saves those settings. I just closed and reopened again...same settings all the way to 31 mph. Also, I've taken the wheel up to about 25 mph on straight aways. I saw that the app, either the KS app or the DB app...I've been switching between the two, but one of them reported I went a max speed of 28 some mph on one of my runs. Not sure whether to trust that though because I've picked up the wheel before and it has spun fast and has reported up to almost 50 mph in the app before too.

Also, sometimes the alarms I have set work at those speeds, and other times they don't work. For a long time yesterday i was going until I heard the first alarm set at about 22 mph and I would slow down. Then later in the day that alarm stopped going off and I was going faster with no alarms. I only slowed down because I knew I was going much faster than 22 mph...probably around 25 mph. But the alarms mysteriously stopped working.

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3 hours ago, RockyTop said:

Switching back and forth from one app to the other can change the settings. I suggest that you pick the app you like the best, use it to set the wheel up and stay with it. 


Well the only reason I have been switching back and forth is because DB is currently broken for me: it has no speed settings or alarms. Only KS app can do that for me. Once DB gets fixed for this KS18XL wheel I'm sure I will probably stick with it based upon how everyone says it's such a good app. For now I've been sticking with KS since it's the only one that can adjust the speed and set alarms.

I put another 40-miles on today. I'm currently at 102-miles. It will be interesting if anything else changes after 125-miles.


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8 hours ago, RockyTop said:

Very impressive. :cheers:

Another 41-miles today :D

Now I'm at a total of 143 miles for my first five days owning the KS18XL.  

I checked speed and alarm setting and everything is the same. The highest I can put the "warping" is at 31 mph. So apparently this thing really was unlocked from the beginning; or at least the KS app allowed it to be unlocked without any distance requirements to be met. I now ride with one alarm at 28 MPH and the tilt back at 31 mph. I experienced the tilt back once so far at 31 mph). A little scary feeling. I pull back myself if I hear the alarm at 28 mph.


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Everyone keeps saying that they can't adjust speeds with the DB app. I just got my 18XL out to verify that I could. I set my wheel to tilt a 3 mph. I got from my front door to my TV set before tilting at 3 mph. That angry old lady with the vacuum cleaner caught me again and had a fit. I explained that I was performing a public service and she let me off with a warning. Well?, that and I have to make breakfast in the morning. 

You have to update the app. When updated it shows a picture of a KS wheel and tells you about the new speed settings for KS wheels. 

--settings > device > speed settings

@Bridgeboy ( Bridge boy?  are you a Brandon Sanderson fan?) When I started riding on my first day I got a mile in. The second day I got 5 miles in then I doubled my numbers 10 then 20 then.......  just 10 every day for two weeks. I think you got me beat. It was a month before I got a 26 mile ride in. Now when we go out as a group we get 30-50 miles in a day trip. 


Edited by RockyTop
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hopefully they decided to ditch that 100+ km bs.. as a great deal of people buying KS wheels are experienced, this is an annoying hassle

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15 hours ago, RockyTop said:

Everyone keeps saying that they can't adjust speeds with the DB app. I just got my 18XL out to verify that I could. I set my wheel to tilt a 3 mph. I got from my front door to my TV set before tilting at 3 mph. That angry old lady with the vacuum cleaner caught me again and had a fit. I explained that I was performing a public service and she let me off with a warning. Well?, that and I have to make breakfast in the morning. 

You have to update the app. When updated it shows a picture of a KS wheel and tells you about the new speed settings for KS wheels. 

--settings > device > speed settings

@Bridgeboy ( Bridge boy?  are you a Brandon Sanderson fan?) When I started riding on my first day I got a mile in. The second day I got 5 miles in then I doubled my numbers 10 then 20 then.......  just 10 every day for two weeks. I think you got me beat. It was a month before I got a 26 mile ride in. Now when we go out as a group we get 30-50 miles in a day trip. 


It's been confirmed by @december11 that I have the latest version of DB, V5.5.1 

Do you have the new 2,200 watt motor and KS firmware V 1.0.0? If not, then that is probably why the app works for you and not for me.

I don't know Brandon Sanderson but I wanted to get in some good experience riding an learning the EUC while I had time off from work. I plan to go for another long ride today, then back to work tomorrow :o. I am sore in many places...using muscles differently than I'm used to. :crying:I think I'm the first and only person in my town with one of these. I have never seen anyone else on one of these locally. There may be someone, but I have never seen them before and nobody else who has seen me has either. Some of the looks I get are priceless :lol:

I have no speed settings in DB app:



Darknessbot Device Screenshot.png

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I see!  Speed settings would be below Riding Mode and above Torch Automatic. 

I have the older 18XL with 1.1.1  

Same DarknessBot version  5.5.1 (247)

That is a shame. We will have to ask Ilya the creator of DB about the lack of support

Yeah! new muscle are needed. That is part of why I am so amazed of your progress. 

Given the SciFi nature of EUCs, I thought that "Bridge Boy might be a reference to a book.  Brandon Sanderson is a SciFi writer. The main character Caledon, Is referred to as "Bridge Boy"  Bridge men place temporary bridges during active battles for the military to cross and have a very short life span.  ( long but good books) 

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5 hours ago, RockyTop said:

I see!  Speed settings would be below Riding Mode and above Torch Automatic. 

I have the older 18XL with 1.1.1  

Same DarknessBot version  5.5.1 (247)

That is a shame. We will have to ask Ilya the creator of DB about the lack of support

Yeah! new muscle are needed. That is part of why I am so amazed of your progress. 

Given the SciFi nature of EUCs, I thought that "Bridge Boy might be a reference to a book.  Brandon Sanderson is a SciFi writer. The main character Caledon, Is referred to as "Bridge Boy"  Bridge men place temporary bridges during active battles for the military to cross and have a very short life span.  ( long but good books) 

Bridgeboy is because I have actually built a lot of bridges for a living. I've had that nickname since the Internet started gaining traction in the mid 90's after I had helped build a couple of bridges by then. I'm more of a bridge man now, lol,  but I still keep the name.

I had a super ride today on a dedicated biking trail on a beautiful clear blue sky, cloudless, day between 55° and 59° Fahrenheit. I logged another 48.27 miles. I started at 100% battery and ended with 20.72% battery left over. 191.35 miles now officially logged through first 6-days of ownership. My skills are definitely improving. Now I can heal my soreness during this coming week of work. :wacko:

After hitting 25% battery left the ride is basically over because of the throttling. I can definitely see the advantage of owning more than one wheel in the future (different model): To always have another ready that is fully charged.

Another bonus is that I FINALLY got the Bluetooth speakers to play music. I've been struggling to get that feature working for the past five days. The 18XL with the new 2,200w motor is whisper quiet, actually completely silent...I hear nothing at all but the rubber rolling on the ground...and rolling up on people with no music playing can really startle them (I slow way down when doing this...I don't zip by them).


191 Miles on KS18XL.png

48.27 miles on 79.28% battery.png

FINALLY Connected to KingSongMusic.png

Edited by Bridgeboy
perfectionist BS
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