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Growing Family


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  Something to keep in mind, I live out in farmer's country.  The first nice size town is a half hour away.  The first large town with Parks and bike trails is an hour and a half way.

    It started with just Joe an I, then my daughter learned, she has a friend close by she shared with. That makes four.  We have a friend who will be living with us for a while.   Like my daughter he learned in two days.  So that makes five.  My fiance is starting to learn as well.  That will make six.

  I've notice almost everyone that has learned after us, seem to pick it up quickly.  Ok, I feel better by telling myself I must be a good teacher.  But that might not be the case.  I was most likely a bad self taught student.   We have one Wheel.  This will have to change. Tired of waiting my turn..    Looking forward to getting a Kingsong 18 next.  I'll bide my time until the Bluetooth issues are fixed.

  I'm wondering if everyone else is having the same growth as I?

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I didnt have that kind of success yet, out of the 50 people in my everyday environment that know and see me riding regularly, I had about 10 try it for a few minutes but only one came back to ask me further questions about getting one... But I live in the city and the average cityguy's attentionspan is a lot shorter, so its OK I guess.. :D

But I mentioned an increase in their training success the more I trained with people, so I guess that works for you too, sensei. ;)

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@Colestien I bet you have an infectious positivity about it that inspires confidence in your students. It is "I will learn, it's just a matter of how long" as opposed to the self-taught student's wondering "Will I learn?" I'm sure a nice big KS 18 will make the trip to town a fun and adventurous trek!

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It's interesting to trace the 'family tree' of people I've introduced to the EUC.

First me, then my best friend had a go and he ended up getting one. My brother and his 2 friends all tried it, and 2 of them are currently saving up to buy one and another person they know has bought one just from seeing the video of mine. Another friend of mine had a go and he also just bought one, he showed that to all his family and they are interested too.

I've directly inspired the purchase of 4 EUCs and introduced 10 people to them who are interested enough to want to buy one. A conversion rate of 40% is pretty good!

The biggest problem I have is I can't recommend a good EUC to buy within their price range, there is a huge gap in the market for a mid-range EUC that offers good features available in the UK, so far they all purchased a cheap generic until the market starts producing more worthwhile models.

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