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Individual model prices over time


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As I'm only about a year into riding EUCs I haven't been around long enough to know how this particular market works. Do individual model prices tend to lower gradually over time compared to when that model was first released, or do they tend to stay the same until a newer model is released/closer to a model being phased out & replaced? Like for example will a Nikola or KS16X be cheaper 6 months from now?

Tangentially, are there decent Black Friday sales on high-end models or only on more entry-level and/or older models or not at all?

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The EUC market is a highly constrained market with very few sellers, and grey market wheels are geolocked. Therefore new prices are high and stay high.

Used wheels, however, drop like rocks, because the technology advances so fast.

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Yeah, older versions of a wheel will typically be "upgraded" by the brand and resold as new version of same wheel.  So like @LanghamP says, the prices end up staying high for a brand new version of any wheel, but as soon as you drive it off the lot it depreciates fast. 

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I initially figured as much, although in maintaining my spreadsheet ( https://1drv.ms/x/s!Ag0ky7mWfH9cm9dMfvYothdqZtIsdw ) I recently noticed at least two or three prices had dropped that I had to fix, and I was wondering if they were random price fluctuations/drops based on stock & demand considerations or if they followed any pattern over model lifetime. I'll keep an eye on it.

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