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Gotway Tesla factory reset


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Does anyone know how to factory reset the Gotway Tesla?  I've only had it a few weeks. It ran much better right out of the box before I used apps to change any settings. Now I'm having to battle tilt backs at low speed and first warning beep for 31mph speed. I have to open darkness bot and reset settings everytime I ride. Using an ios versions of the apps. I would much rather just be able to hop on and ride without the use of any apps.

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There really isn't much to reset. You can enable the speed alarms at 30kph an 35kph in the Gotway app by "open all alarms" and then "reset alarms". And you can put the tiltback back on.

31mph is the speed limit of the Tesla so that's normal. There is supposed to be an alarm in that area.

You can use the official Gotway app and stay away from third party apps, as they might accidentally change some settings, if you have a problem with settings changing with time.

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Thanks for the quick response! Another noob question..i keep seeing folks mentioning you can shut off the tilt back but I haven't seen that option anywhere in the official Gotway app for ios. How do I shut off tilt back completely?

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