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Which wheel to buy with $1500 (incl. VAT) in pocket and 265lbs/120kg weight?


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As title says, I am looking to get my first wheel, I have around $1500 (this includes VAT) to spend on the wheel. As majority of the community seems to be around 150lbs - 200lbs, me being 265lbs guy does not make the task of picking the right wheel easy. I am worried about cut-offs, so safety is a priority here.

What is community's recommended wheel, given above parameters? Can you guys guide me a bit here?


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Thanks @Chriull!

Chart sure is very informative! Too bad it does not list all available positions!

Recently I was looking up V10F and KS16S - seems like KS16s is a much more responsive which is a positive, but then again it has 1200W/3000W motor, whereas V10F has 2000W/3000W motor. Not sure if that has any relevance here though. Also I've read somewhere KS16s tyre is rated at 70KG/~150lbs, which is a bit worrying.

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A fellow fatty I see. ;) You'll need to take official ranges and divide them by 2.

Inmotion V10F seems like a good deal. 500km, pretty much new:


But some people don't like it: https://forum.ecojazda.pl/index.php/start/inmotion/390-v10f-zablokowany-limit-maksymalnej-predkosci-do-34-km-h?start=20#7594

Inmotion V8 lacks power for us fat people.

Gotway MSuper V3 is also available cheaply: https://www.olx.pl/oferta/monocykl-gotway-msuper-v3-CID767-IDAsf3F.html


I can't comment on it as I've done no research on it. If you find positive reviews, this may be the best choice. On paper they look solid. :)


I have KS16S 840Wh and it's a love-hate relationship. It drives very well, has a lot of power, 35km of range, off-roads in the forest no problem.

But I've had to replace the inner tube every so often. And replacing the tube is not fun - it's not a wheel you open easily. :-/


Personally I plan to buy MSuper X some day. But that's outside of your budget.

Thus I recommend MSuper V3S, KS16S or V10F in that order. Then if you can spare $500 more, MSuper X or KS18XL - both have their advantages over the other.

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