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Replacement Battery


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This is my first time on here as I recently acquired a hoverboard from hoverboardscooters.co.uk. It was advertised as a "Hummer hoverboard" with 8.5" wheels. My problem is the battery which I'm pretty sure needs replaced. The board is fine for maybe 5-10mins before the red LED on the right hand side of the board comes on and the alarm sounds constantly. Having looked extensively online for advice, I'm fairly confident that everything points to the battery being duff, as I have also tried all the reset and charger plugin combinations as recommended.

Problem is, looking online and discovering the minefield that is the hoverboard replacement battery market, I'm at a loss as to which one to buy. I keep seeing that Samsung is recommended, as is LG, but how to be sure that's exactly what you're getting? Also, where is the best place to buy from that I can be sure I'm getting the best quality battery out there at a reasonable price? I have attached a pic of the battery that is inside the board.

Thank you in advance and hello to everyone!


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If it was "recently acquired", shouldn't it still be under warranty? 1RadWerkstatt (in Germany) could probably build you high-quality pack(s), but it's not going to be cheap... Don't know of much other sources, ordering from somewhere like eBay or Aliexpress is a gamble, plus the batteries cannot be airlifted, so it'll take a longer while to arrive and the shipping costs can be high(ish).

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