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Getting my new Kingsong 16S soon...what app??

Eddie A. Steiner

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Well you need the kingsong app to start. You need to unlock your wheel, possibly update the firmware and do all that other beginner wheel stuff. After that you can just use wheellog to monitor and set your alarms and stuff. Oh, in the kingsong apps, those alarms and tiltback are going to be for the wheel itself. I THINK you can play with this in wheellog, but i never have. I only use the phone/watch alarms in there. So if you go into alarms on wheellog, just note it will be your phone vibrating and watch if you have one, and not the wheels audible beeps. 

Enjoy your new wheel! That was my first wheel (a few months ago, loll)

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49 minutes ago, Eddie A. Steiner said:

Hey guys I've been hearing on this forum that the king song app is no good. I also know that there is an app called wheel log.... My wheel should be here soon which app would you guys recommend that I load??

As @seage wrote, you will need KS app to set your wheel to your preferences. But for everyday use I suggest you to try WheelLog from https://euc.world/getwheellog.

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