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Hovertrax 2.0 Malfunction


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Hi all. New member to the forum seeking assistance with a malfunctioning Razor Hovertrax 2.0 hoverboard. 


I purchased the Hovertrax just over a week ago for my 9 year old son and within days it’s stopped working. The hovertrax will power on but the right side will not respond (left side operates normally) and the power light remains blue but instead of being a solid color blinks continuously. I have searched high and low on google and YouTube but cannot find anyone else reporting this issue. Battery light indicator issued and the power light turning red are common problems I have come across but I am struggling to find a user report with repair instructions for this particular problem. I have reached out to Razor customer support but in the meantime I was hoping someone here had come across this particular problem and had some advice. 




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