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Looking into getting a EUC, but I prefer to build things myself. Come from the drone space as a mechanical engineer, and have dabbled in electric skateboards. But an EUC looks to be the best option for commuting atm.

Question is, I don't know the components well. I've done a bunch of searching and it seems like there's some open source stuff in progress and other stuff available (as well as some DIY builds around the internets), and this is what I've come down to so far. Interested in getting some recommendations for components.


Hub motor: This is the part I know the least about, seems like something around 14" and 500-1000W that runs at 12S / 50V? Not sure where to buy, China most likely...

ESC: VESC 6.6, has FOC and sensored control, used on eskateboards etc. Seems like the best option.

Control: Currently planning on prototyping on an Arduino or version of it, with an IMU (BNO055 for example). Not a coding expert but the control doesn't seem too complicated (famous last words).

Battery: Have a 12S 16Ah (710Wh) lipo that I'd use. No BMS, charged on my lipo chargers.

Chassis: Will design and fabricate this once I know all my components.

Lights: RGB LEDS 4 DAYZ. Have a bunch lying around.

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10 minutes ago, MayMayDay said:

Looking into getting a EUC, but I prefer to build things myself. Come from the drone space as a mechanical engineer, and have dabbled in electric skateboards. But an EUC looks to be the best option for commuting atm.

Question is, I don't know the components well. I've done a bunch of searching and it seems like there's some open source stuff in progress and other stuff available (as well as some DIY builds around the internets), and this is what I've come down to so far. Interested in getting some recommendations for components.

Here is a project at its very beginning:


In this topic you'll find some links to other projects.

The "best" for DIY was some years ago with parts from ?microworks? and their firmware. But that's afaik not available anymore?

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7 hours ago, Chriull said:

Here is a project at its very beginning:


In this topic you'll find some links to other projects.

The "best" for DIY was some years ago with parts from ?microworks? and their firmware. But that's afaik not available anymore?

Yes, saw the opensource motherboard, looks very promising, but not something I can buy now. Would definitely buy it if it was available though.


There were some builds with the microworks gear, but I am hesitant to use it. Still seems available: https://microworks.en.alibaba.com/productgrouplist-801331043/Electric_Unicycle.html?spm=a2700.icbuShop.88.24.38f7668f0NZfPL


Just need to find the hub motor...

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Alright, looks like I'm grabbing this motor kit since it's somewhat local rather than waiting for the slow boat. Airwheel X8 motor. Not the best, not the worst, it's something.





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28 minutes ago, MayMayDay said:

Not the best, not the worst, it's something.

I'd say far away from the best, quite near to the worst... :(

The price should be quite a bit above or in the range of more modern replacement motors, afair/k. But depends on the controller board you'r going to use - since it has to fit the motor.

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