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Is eucservice.com legitimate?


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Hi everyone... Has anyone bought  from eucservice.com? They are advertising a Gotway Msuper X 100V 1845wh for $2,299. This has to be the ultimate euc; at least for me. What is holding me back, is that I do not know if they are legitimate or reliable. Please let me know.


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See here for a bit more info. Not sure if anybody has ordered there yet, but Gotway does make these special big battery editions on request. The question is, how much sense does it make for you in Canada to order from Europe (like paying unnecessary import fees or something) instead of ordering directly from Gotway or asking a US dealer to order one for you. I don't know, just some thoughts.

@diegoxxx might know more details.

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According to Jason at ewheels.com, the Poland dealer (eucservice.com) modifies them themselves. He contacted Gotway, on the matter, who were adamant about it, he says. The way I see it, if they can do it, then so can we. But if it s true, according to ecuservice, that Gotway builds them to order at the factory, then why don't they include them in their production line? They must know that it would give them the edge on all other brands...

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