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The popular vote for the best 2019 euc and more nominations


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We decided to hold the popular elections "the best euc of 2019" and elections in any other nominations.
But we need your help. Due to the fact that we have a large audience of customers in chat rooms, websites, forums, etc., I hope that our elections will be objective. Plus, we plan to make this voting international and are already attracting a foreign audience to our activity.
Help us make a list of nominations, in addition, "the best eucl of 2019".
At the moment, I need ideas from you that we could use in nominations, and not just "the best euc of 2019".
This activity is directed exclusively to vote. After all, even in the car held annually such a vote. Why is euc worse?

Edited by EcoDrift
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I just filled in my submission. it seems international. At least they write so on the linked webpage.

They write: 


"Friends! We decided to select the best monowheel, but we ask you to help us  make categories for vote. For example, the most powerful, the most reliable, the most beautiful. Offer! Please fill out the small form."


Edited by Unventor
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