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How many miles do you have under your belt?


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Please guide me to the right thread, but I couldn't find one for it. 

How many miles do you have on your EUC to date? And how many times did you fall so far?

How many do you put it every month? 

What is the max number of miles you put in one day?

When do you anticipate to change the tire?


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Noob with very little chance to ride due to serious family health issues last 5 months.

52 mi total in 6 months (sad)

Longest ride ~3mi (also sad)

0 crashes

1 drop of euc while learning, trying to stop- had to step off and couldn't catch it, got minor scuffs on my beautiful shiny new (expensive) v8. Bought that cover afterwards!

I thought i heard a tire will last maybe  2000 mi before needing replacement.

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Been riding for about three months and have about 900 miles on my v8. Have had three pretty gnarly crashes. All due to high speed cutout or power surge cutout.  

My second wheel I’ve had for about 6 weeks it’s a ks16s and I have about 450 miles on it. I normally ride this wheel and put 20 or more miles on it a day. No wrecks 

my newest wheel is the amazing and fabulous GotWay Nikola.. the nicest riding wheel I’ve ever ridden. I’ve only had her for a few days and have about 60 miles on her. No wrecks

  so the v8 is dangerous in my opinion it’s been the cause of all my serious crashes. I don’t ride it at all anymore unless I have to .  But I am a big guy 6’3” about 200 lbs and I ride fast and hard with lots of aggressive starts and stops and carving constantly. So it’s not made for that.   

So. Keep on wheeling. You’ll get there :)  it’s the most fun things I’ve ever paid money for . 🤩👍👍👍

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Riding since Nov. 2015. Fallen more times than I can count. Several serious injuries, some my fault, some the fault of others. Two broken wrists, dislocated right pinky finger, sprained left knee, plenty of bumps, bruises, cuts and blood. Good times.

I calculate right around 18,000 miles on EUC:

  • X8 clone: ~800 miles
  • KS 14-C: ~1,400 miles
  • IPS Zero: ~1,900 miles
  • Gotway MSuper V3 (#1): ~3,800 miles
  • Gotway MSuper V3 (#2): ~4,100 miles
  • Ninebot Z10: ~ 900 miles (board blew)
  • Gotway MSuper X: 5,247 miles (and counting)

I log between 500-600 miles each month, for commuting plus pleasure riding. 50-mile days are pretty common on the weekends, did 70+ a few weeks ago. The tire on my MSX is balder than I am but still grips and rips. It's also uglier than I am but not by much. We've both taken our lumps.

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30 minutes ago, Lucas Alexander Oliver said:

Been riding for about three months and have about 900 miles on my v8. Have had three pretty gnarly crashes. All due to high speed cutout or power surge cutout.  

My second wheel I’ve had for about 6 weeks it’s a ks16s and I have about 450 miles on it. I normally ride this wheel and put 20 or more miles on it a day. No wrecks 

my newest wheel is the amazing and fabulous GotWay Nikola.. the nicest riding wheel I’ve ever ridden. I’ve only had her for a few days and have about 60 miles on her. No wrecks

  so the v8 is dangerous in my opinion it’s been the cause of all my serious crashes. I don’t ride it at all anymore unless I have to .  But I am a big guy 6’3” about 200 lbs and I ride fast and hard with lots of aggressive starts and stops and carving constantly. So it’s not made for that.   

So. Keep on wheeling. You’ll get there :)  it’s the most fun things I’ve ever paid money for . 🤩👍👍👍

I'm exactly your height and weight plus 5 pounds, and I have exactly zero miles on any of my wheels. Work has just been kicking my butt.

All my wheels were bought used in the last couple of weeks. Once I get the hang of riding, I'm probably going to sell most of my skiing gear and buy a new wheel. I was thinking 16x, but the reported luxurious ride of the Nikola sounds so nice.

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KS16s 3000 miles.

KS14s 1000 miles

Segway S1 500 miles

Gotway MSV3S+ 1200 miles

Inmotion 1000 miles

Uncountable drops, hundred at least, and I've lost count of the faceplants where I was trying to get through off road and the wheel for caught at very low speed.

Just one big crash, learning to go backwards, that saw me out for a month and crawling up steps.

I've dramatically reduced my EUC riding in favor of bicycling, because EUC riding is not in any way fitness beneficial.

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X8: not a lot of km, possibly 50 km (31 miles)
Tesla: Just rounded 2000 km (1250 miles)
KS18XL: Approx. 1770 km (1106 miles)

Have had 5 falls where I didn't stay upright, 2 while learning (on the X8) and 3 on the Tesla.

How many km/miles a month varies, so can't really say.

Most miles on one day is 93,5 km (58,4 miles), with two charge sessions between the three rides that day.

Have no idea when I'll need to look into changing tire.

I'm not one for speed, I've barely touched 32 kph (20 mph), so the Tesla and XL have more than enough power for my use.


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Ninebot one e+ 350 miles

ks16s 1150 miles

ks18l 1150 miles

multiple little step offs while learning.  One crash on the e+ doing something stupid. Two on the 16s  1 - going backwards, difficult to look over my shoulder at my age and got some speed wobbles caused a fall.  2 battery was at about 6% hit a small pothole and the wheel could not handle it.  I started to try and run it off then remembered that I would be better off just collapsing onto my knees- had proper gear on and planned to do this if I ever had a cut out.  No serious injuries, some scrapes on the ninebot crash but was not wearing any protective gear.  Little bruising on the backward crash, and nothing on the slow speed forward crash.

monthly mileage varies greatly depending on weather and time.  Have put 1150 miles on the 18l in about 5 months I think.  Where I put 1200 on the 16s over about a years period but the 18l goes faster feels safer at speed and farther on a charge.  

Most miles in one day is right at 50.

So far I have never changed a tire.  The tire life seems to depend on the tire compound, the size of tire, and how you ride.  I spent a lot of time practicing tricks on the 16” wheels, the 16s tire was completely bald after 1200 miles but the 18l tire looks to have plenty of tread left on it at 1400 miles.  It’s a 18” and will have less road contact at the same mileage but I don’t think that makes as much difference as the tire itself and how you ride.  

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How many miles do you have on your EUC to date?    2200 miles

And how many times did you fall so far?   5, going less than 5 mph.   1 fall on dirt at 25 mph.

How many do you put it every month?    400-450 miles

What is the max number of miles you put in one day?   22 miles daily maybe more on the weekend. Max is 50.

When do you anticipate to change the tire?.  When it can no longer hold air.

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4 hours ago, Lucas Alexander Oliver said:


4 hours ago, Lucas Alexander Oliver said:

  so the v8 is dangerous in my opinion it’s been the cause of all my serious crashes. I don’t ride it at all anymore unless I have to .  But I am a big guy 6’3” about 200 lbs and I ride fast and hard with lots of aggressive starts and stops and carving constantly. So it’s not made for that.   

Can you share more details about your cutouts? (Speed, hill, etc?)

(I'm a bigger (~230lb) guy riding g3/v8 and have been worried about that.  Ss i result, I kept max speed set to 15.5 mph instead of max 18.6, only ride it above 50-60% charge, try to keep accelleration "reasonable", and wear gear--- no issues, yet... 

it would be nice to not constantly worry about pushing too hard (and to go faster!). Drooling over people's 18XL, nikola, and 16x stories :-)...

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4 hours ago, Blueblade said:

I'm a bigger (~230lb) guy

Bigger guy = bigger wheel.  If you want to "stay" safe, get a bigger wheel. My 14 inch wheel would almost cut out when going fast uphills and i'm only 140 lbs....

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5 hours ago, Blueblade said:


Can you share more details about your cutouts? (Speed, hill, etc?)

(I'm a bigger (~230lb) guy riding g3/v8 and have been worried about that.  Ss i result, I kept max speed set to 15.5 mph instead of max 18.6, only ride it above 50-60% charge, try to keep accelleration "reasonable", and wear gear--- no issues, yet... 

it would be nice to not constantly worry about pushing too hard (and to go faster!). Drooling over people's 18XL, nikola, and 16x stories :-)...

You are doing everything right.   Every time it’s cut out I’ve been at full power and either hit a bump and it couldn’t handle the surge. Or going max speed and trying to brake too hard and it couldn’t handle it and it just cut off.  That was my worst one   Also don’t jump it off anything really.  I would jump curbs and whatnot and it worked fine the first dozen times or so but now I’ve loosened the axles or something.  There is a considerable amount of play in my pedals. Basically if you are cool with riding below 15 mph, and don’t jump off curbs, brake really hard, or go up and down huge long hills, the v8 is a great wheel.  It is definitely more of a recreational device and not a real transportation vehicle.  Just imho

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10 hours ago, Darrell Wesh said:

Subbed to see @Marty Backe stats 

:laughbounce2:  Actually, I'm in the minor leagues compared to some people. The last time I added everything up it was over 10,000-miles, but I've stopped counting at this point. It's harder to keep track when you have lots of wheels.

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How many miles do you have on your EUC to date? And how many times did you fall so far?

I pushed myself very hard while learning and took a number of mostly insignificant spills.   I did catch a pedal and crashed at 18mph, dislocated my thumb.   I've had a two more significant falls that scrambled my head for a second but no major injuries.   All my falls have been user error at this point.

NB1C+ : 170 mi

16S: 2300mi

Nikola: 201 mi

I'm still a newbie by comparison and only been riding for 8 months. 

How many do you put it every month? 

600-700 mi

What is the max number of miles you put in one day?

 I think 58 mi

When do you anticipate to change the tire?

When it starts getting too worn!   I think my 16S tire is about halfway through its life, so maybe every 5k+ miles requires a new tire?

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21 hours ago, LanghamP said:

I've dramatically reduced my EUC riding in favor of bicycling, because EUC riding is not in any way fitness beneficial.


I don't know about others, but I get tired after 20 miles ride. Maybe more when I am constantly going over bumps instead of paved road. 18XL


22 hours ago, UniVehje said:

About 6000 km (3700 miles) in 1,5 years. 

First proper faceplant just happened. 

I don't know how do you all manage to put so many miles, especially in colder regions. 

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Riding since July 2018.

Ninebot One E+ (July 2018) : 1100km / 682 miles (longest ride 22km)
I have fallen from the Ninebot once at 22km/h. I did the firmware change since then so it does 28km/h now.
Don't high five people when riding. That fat kid high fived me so hard I didn't stand a chance.
The tire is pretty fresh.

MSuper X (January 2019) : 3200km / 1988 miles (longest ride 70km)
No falls. Just dropping it at like 1km/h because I did some bad navigation on snow or ice.
I'm probably halfway through the tire.
I used to ride it every day but now I save it for longer trips, or faster trips.

I have a couple of thousand km on my electric longboards as well. And another 1000 km on my Onewheel.
And quite a few thousand on my hardtail mountain bike.

On 6/21/2019 at 6:52 PM, Ather said:


I don't know how do you all manage to put so many miles, especially in colder regions. 

That's the magic of it all. We can ride during winter and solve the "winter is no fun" problem.


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Lhotz: 3000km

16S: 9000km

MSX: 6000+km

Total: 18000+km in 3 years.

Max 65km per day, commonly 40km. Used to clock 1000km in a month, now a bit less.

3 crashes, not counting a few learning tumbles. One crash made my shoulder a bit sore for a few weeks, others were painless. I thank protective gear.

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