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10mph limit ninebot C dinosaur - newbie


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Greetings! grt forum btw... I just bought a used nbot C ( ancient i know but had only 1 hr of use and very cheap ). Have abt 35km ridden in 1st cpl days but i cannot get the unit above 10mph without the blasted beeps/tiltback! Both the darknessbot and ninebot app show limit is off so i am perplexed. running firmware 1.4.0. - i hv read lots of posts abt speed limited issue etc but could not find a clear process for fixing (especially on this old euc).  I know the wheel is a gen1 dino but i think still rated for 18mph. Any help is much appreciated for a newbie rider in Canada. Cheers!

ps - i am a teacher in a small town and wanted an euc to get bk n forth  to work. beyond the sheer joy of riding an euc, pretty cool to see kids eyes light up when they see me zoom up to the school. The look of confused amazement is priceless... EUC=landflying!!!

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