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Charging Gotway MSX with Satiator charger


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Question:  I'm thinking about getting the gol' darnest best charger I've ever seen to baby my MSuper's battery pack -- the Satiator model 7205, as seen at https://www.ebikes.ca/product-info/cycle-satiator.html but there's a problem:  there appears to be no proper factory-made cable-adaptor to attach the generic end of the Satiator cable to my EUC.

Yeah, this is a prime example of a first-world problem.  Unfortunately, servicing these real boutique gagets, even here in the States, appears to require extra effort!

Nevertheless, anyone have any ideas or source to recommend?

My email address:  stevereno7777@gmail.com


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Just cut it and cut yr  factory MSX charger lead solder some XT60 male and female plugs then can plug any thing in 

I do this to all my chargers so all will fit the XT60 plugs so can mix and match fast chargers and still use old charger if need be

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I bought my satiator with an XT60 socket and made xT60-GX16 adapters.

If I have a wheel with a different socket, I just have to make an adapter.

When hiking, I can help out a friend, I have different adapters

Edited by Hansolo
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  • 2 years later...
45 minutes ago, Gustiazul said:

I have the satiator and I was charging my 84v msx... now I have a 100V RS... CAN I CHARGE IT?

Depends on which charger you have in detail - if it can deliver the full 100.8V it should works.

Edit: Seems as there exist just two versions and the one able to charge rhe 84V should be able to charge the 100V rs - with the right profile!

You have to choose a different profile for the new wheel.

Edited by Chriull
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40 minutes ago, Gustiazul said:

yes, I have the big one, it lets me configure it but it only reaches three amps:clap3:

Btw - cut off current threshold "Complete Amps" for the satuator should be about 50mA per paralleled cell.

Your RS has 1800Wh? So that shozld be a 24s4p config.

So you could set 4*50mA=200mA=0.2A as "Complete Amps".

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You don't want to charge your wheel to a lower voltage too many times in a row. Once in a while charge to 100% and leave it on the charger @100% for a few hours.

If you have a smart BMS with a custom end voltage, then you can charge to whatever voltage you want, forever. The bms in the wheel expects a charger with the right end voltage for that bms (100%).

Edited by alcatraz
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