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Gotway Tesla (V2) VS Kingsong 16S (V2)


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Hi there!

(I checked a few threads but I was not able to find an answer to my question).

I had a Kingsong 16S (V1) for about three months. My first wheel. And I loved it.
After the purchase,  I've heard about the new 16S (V2) with a few upgrades that include the lift sensor (that is IMO very useful). So I've decided to sell it immediately to buy the new version.
I sold it for good money and the upgrade to 16S (V2) should cost me just a few bucks.

BUt now I'm in doubt about this purchase. :/

Should I go with 16S (V2) or the recent revision of Gotway Tesla (V2) that includes the lift sensor too?

What would be the pros and cons of these two wheels?
I know the price is not exaclty the same but they are close. 

What would you be your suggestion?

Thanks so much!

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1 hour ago, Snowball said:

Should I go with 16S (V2) or the recent revision of Gotway Tesla (V2) that includes the lift sensor too?

What would be the pros and cons of these two wheels?
I know the price is not exaclty the same but they are close. 

Ks16S is lighter, the Tesla stronger and faster....

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1 hour ago, Chriull said:

One of the new ones - the ks16x or nikola, as soon as there are enough reports available.

My last choice was the ks16s.

I was tempted by 16X but it's a lite bit out of budget to me and maybe too pro, isn't it? Being honest Tesla is not far from it considering power. 

Sì your last one was a 16S. How good was your experience? 

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9 hours ago, Brian Morris said:

in 2019 you should not be buying a wheel with anything less than a 3 inch tire.  imho ;)


I have to agree. The level of comfort and stability of a 3” tire is unmatched by any other tire out there    And I really don’t think you sacrifice any maneuverability or control with these wife tires you just have to get used to it. I have a v8 with the smallest 16 inch tire and a nikola with the widest 16 inch tire and I can maneuver and control them both pretty equally after practice    But the comfort, stability and control of the 3 “ tire is without a doubt superior in everyway 

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On 6/14/2019 at 11:34 PM, kasenutty said:

Are you the same guy I was talking to on Reddit? :D 

Yes I'm
Sorry for my delay but it was not possible to send other messages for 24 hours and then I forgot :)

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  • 5 months later...
On 6/19/2019 at 11:57 AM, Brian Morris said:

in 2019 you should not be buying a wheel with anything less than a 3 inch tire.  imho ;)

They need to offer 1000Wh 16x3" at 40 pounds, and a true 16", not almost-18 inch "sixteen inch" that the big dogs are coming with now.

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19 hours ago, xorbe said:

They need to offer 1000Wh 16x3" at 40 pounds, and a true 16", not almost-18 inch "sixteen inch" that the big dogs are coming with now.

There’s going to be a bit of a problem granting your wish. Since the tires are tubularly shaped, increasing the width increases the height as well. The rim diameter on the V8 and 16X/Nikola are already the same, so in order to keep the outer diameter at ~16”, the 3” tire would have to have a very flat profile. So it wouldn’t ride at all like the 16X or Nikola. It would probably have the Z10 tire issues as well.

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