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Ride Mode


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3 is ok the more you have the more the pedals lean with you while accelerating or braking. If you have it on 0 the pedals will stay parallel to the ground. Most of the experienced riders have it up to 3. I got mine on 1.


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hello, am the proud owner of E +. Weighing 85 kg. For me, as a beginner, the stage 3 is definitely too heavy. Then  harder I drive, the more easy it is for me. Especially when starting to drive. For me is the Level 0 the Best. But I think that everybody has to decide for himself.

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When I first started I was riding on the default which was 3 for me. I never really thought about it. However I met up with Wally (Wally Green from NY) and vido, and he recommended us to play around with the settings. Once I switched it to 0, it was completely different in a good way. I never looked back. I feel riding on 0 is a more predictable riding experience.

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I was quite happy on the 'default' setting before I upgraded the firmware and then tried it on zero.  Much better - faster reaction etc. - if you want a more sensitive ride?

I flit between zero and 1 and 2 every now and again depending if I'm 'off-road' or on tarmac but the most used mode I think for me is zero.

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I believe that hard modes are better to learn. Zero is great. I have used it a lot since first day.

But now that I have a lot of experience and about 1600km, I prefer to run into more soft modes.

I usually run into 4,5 or 6 sensitive mode.

I love 9, it is very soft and floating, but since it is very low responsive in order to hard break, I uses it only when I am in low dangerous open spaces.

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