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Hi all,

I just bought a very lightly used (but not running) Ninebot One S1 that I thought I might be able to fix and get working. No wires appear to be disconnected or loose. When I plug it into the charger, the light on the charger stays green. What are the most likely reasons it may not be running? Any suggestions for what I should try?

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Solved! The problem was that the batteries (this model has 2) had gone into "sleep mode" aka hibernation and we had to charge up the batteries separately to wake them up. We did this by connecting the yellow connector coming from the battery to some wires, and then connecting the other end of those wires to the charger. We repeated this process with the 2nd battery. Once both of the batteries were woke, the EUC was then able to charge with the charger connected normally and now the EUC works. :) 

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  • 2 years later...

@unipsychogirl I know this thread is old but I really wanted to try my luck to see what wires you used to charge the batteries separately.  I'm in the same predicament. Just bought a s1 new and it won't charge or power up. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!

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2 hours ago, Batchoisai said:

what wires

As she said "some wires" in the sense of any wires one has available.

Be carefull with the polarity!

2 hours ago, Batchoisai said:

charge the batteries separately.

This method is not indented to charge the battery, as it circumvents the BMS and by this any li ion cell protection! This method is used to "awake" the cells from "hibernation" - whatever that means in reality, as li ion cells do not hibernate. Most likely they are just too low in voltage so that the BMS protects the users from li ion fires by disabling the charge input for this very valid reason!

Try to make such experiments in some fire safe place, best with some protective gear!

3 hours ago, Batchoisai said:

Just bought a s1 new and it won't charge or power up.

Best to get in contact with the seller to replace the S1 (or just the battery?)


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