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So close it's time to decide...


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Just need my return now but I've been wanting the Monster since I first learned about it's range after purchasing my first wheel a few years ago, the V5F. As time passed and I became a much more experienced rider, Gotway released the 100v. :w00t2:

And even though these newer wheels released are quite tempting (16X, especially NIK), I still want either the 100V or the 2400. I'm torn because I was planning on getting the 100V because of the upgrades but now the restocked 2400 has them as well except top end.

At 5'5 and 130, my guess is that there will still be ample range on the 100v with minimal load in comparison to the newer wheels (range=18XL;speed=MSX). On the other hand, the extra range on the 2400 could make a drastic difference considering minimal load on the wheel or if I'm carrying extra weight to my destination.

And I really want show-off lights especially integrated ones but since following @EUC GUY and his monster project, I feel more inclined to a DIY attempt and something custom perhaps.

So I will be a Gotway owner here in the next few weeks, just which one....for right now. :D 


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@Oswald Valentine-Lopez LOL, kind of in the same boat, as I'm waiting for all my tax returns to settle out as well, then I am probably going for the Monster 100V :lol:

I can tell you that as a previous Monster 84V 2400Wh owner, even that model has such speed and power, that the range can vary dramatically depending on how hard and how often you push it.

Also, the 100V IMHO will hold it's resale value better, as 100V wheels are still relatively scarce (only the Monster & MSX to date are 100V).

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On 4/3/2019 at 12:44 PM, Oswald Valentine-Lopez said:

At 5'5 and 130, my guess is that there will still be ample range on the 100v with minimal load in comparison to the newer wheels (range=18XL;speed=MSX)

@Oswald Valentine-Lopez

You will be going from one extreme to another, basically the smallest, lightest wheel to the biggest and heaviest. Just curious why you're going with the Monster instead of ones you mentioned? Are you trying to maximize range? The MSX 100v is supposed to be super quick. I'm also thinking about the Monster as a future purchase. (I'm a heavy rider, so it might make sense to get a Monster to haul my gravity challenged  self around.)

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Well @erk1024, I am very passionate about the electric unicycle lifestyle because it's so unique I hope to aquire many overtime. It just feels like the next logical progression for me and how I get around. I feel the godfather of EUC @Marty Backe sums it up nicely here... should be queued at 23:12 if not...


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10 hours ago, gon2fast said:

Drat... Originally I was only looking at the 16X and the 100V MSX for my tax return splurge, but now you guys have me thinking about the Monster. 

Thinking similarly but 16X and Monster. Totally different but both hopefully very unique and great. I leaned towards the 16X because of how I like to ride and daily terrain, +++.  If you like stability, speed and range then go Monster. I just don’t ride enough trails and long smooth roads to justify the Monster, at the moment.  Although, it is easy to justify when you want. 

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21 hours ago, Oswald Valentine-Lopez said:

I hope to aquire many overtime

Okay, I see what you mean. You're not looking for the "one perfect wheel", but you want to experience them all, especially the interesting ones. Cool!

Thanks for the link!

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  • 4 weeks later...

The Monster has arrived and I could not be more overwhelmed by its size :shock2: nor more overwhelmed with the joy:efeeec645d: to own and ride this beautiful wheel.

Originally was having the 100V shipped out but at the last minute changed my order to the 2400WH considering/hoping maybe the Nikola gets a 100v.  I chose purple and its on the money.

The seat and fast charger were to be included but did not arrive with the wheel. I also ordered a spare tube and tire for another wheel but yet to receive those as well (all from ewheels.com)

I'll post some pictures and plan on doin a riding video soon hopefully, if I'm ever not on the road now :efee6b18f3:


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Did you have any issues trying to ride the Monster? It it hard to turn at low speeds? How is the acceleration? 

I can't decide whether to go bigger or smaller with my next wheel. But I should spend more time riding my 18XL before I come to any conclusions. I don't like the fact the Monster doesn't have a trolley handle.

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I'm only 5'5 130lbs and I can tell it requires a different riding style which won't be to hard to acquire but is noticeable in the amount of effort im using in my torso to turn. 

The acceleration is smooth even though there's the gotway tumbling noise that makes it sound like its grinding just on the first 1-2 mph-ish.

Braking was a surprise because of how big it is; you need to anticipate a more generous stopping distance even at low speeds.

I would say the 18 is gonna be more commuter friendly more often, although this still is a better commuter in terms of range/ride.

Yea i don't want a trolley handle (aesthetics) on this but i want the utility of one so I think with the seat it will be tall enough for me to walk.


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I was having difficulty with deciding between the 18xl and the monster. I chose the 18xl due to the ability to trolly, the speakers, and it's smaller size for maneuverability.  I still plan to get the monster for big commutes and use the 18xl as my daily driver. 

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4 hours ago, OUNCESMUSIC said:

Originally was having the 100V shipped out but at the last minute changed my order to the 2400WH considering/hoping maybe the Nikola gets a 100v.

Good choice. You'll probably get 150 miles with your weight:w00t2:

If you care about the speed differences, here's a chart @Jason McNeil got right from Gotway. 84V Monster tops out at 55kph/34mph, 100V at 65kph/40mph (assuming the chart is true) - both are pretty fast enough.

A 100V Nikola is already listed on Ali (without batteries), so it can't be too far away: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/2019-Newest-Gotway-Nikola-Electric-unicycle-0-WH-No-battery-version-Motor-2000W-maximum-speed-50km/33002036540.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.300a625e0lyKmO&algo_pvid=516e0c1e-5e9b-4fac-90fa-b67fd7867901&algo_expid=516e0c1e-5e9b-4fac-90fa-b67fd7867901-36&btsid=aa3395c6-797c-46fb-a3f4-4e61338fb4fb&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_10,searchweb201603_52

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I definitely wouldn't choose the Monster as a learning wheel for several reasons, but especially because of the weight. The 18XL is no lightweight either, but I'm a big guy, so all things being relative. The wheel doesn't feel heavy the first time I pick it up. But putting it in the car, taking it out of the car, losing balance and picking it up off the ground. It starts raining so you put it back in the car. It stops raining you take it out. You lose balance and then hold it up by the strap, rinse, repeat. All that manhandling over a couple days... takes a toll. Or to put it another way, is a "good" workout. ;)


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I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have that trolly handle on the xl. I use it all the time because the wheel is so heavy. I can barely lift it to put it in a shopping cart when I go to Walmart. 

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2 minutes ago, NylahTay said:

I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have that trolly handle on the xl.

I completely agree. This is extra-true if you're still learning because you have to trolley off the grass and back onto the sidewalk, or trolley to a spot where you can mount, or whatever.

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On 5/8/2019 at 3:04 PM, OUNCESMUSIC said:

Braking was a surprise because of how big it is

You'll be surprised at how fast you can brake in a pinch.

I worry about unseen speed bumps ( hit one last night in poor light) and deep ruts more than braking distance. Monster's big wheel has been a plus in the unseen bump and rut category.

An 18" (wide tire?) seems like a good and lighter (Monster 1600 Wh = 50 lbs) choice with advantages over a 16" wheel (I learned on a Ninebot).

On an off topic note:

I see that Bonney Lake is not far from Mt Rainier.


My college outing club and I went up Rainier in 1974. The climbing shop didn't have my size in a men's boot so I went up in a 'ladies' boot. 😃 The climb down was in one day on August glacier snow.





Mount Rainier 1974

I've never been so exhausted in my life after a climb.

Good luck on the wheel.

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3 hours ago, Lucas Alexander Oliver said:

@OUNCESMUSIC   I am in cap hill Seattle and am waiting on my nikola to come in the next week or two. We should get together and ride sometime 

i'm off fridays and saturday, let us know when the care package is recvd and we'll make something happen .

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So I was riding home from work around 2 am and almost hit a deer. 

I was on a sidewalk going about 20 ish beside a 2 lane road with a speed limit of 35mph but no one was out at the time.
Side walks on both sides but the other side of the street is a large tree/green belt while I'm riding on the residential/housing side.
The deer was just off the right side of the sidewalk and when I began to notice it and slow down it ran in front of me and crossed the street.
I turned around and flashed the wheel light at it and of course it stood there staring at me deer in headlights not moving.
I slowly moved towards it hoping to shoo it into the wooded area but it decided to walk parallel with the road for sometime.
Eventually it went into the woods just before a car became visible coming down the road.

My job here is done.:efefc8626c:

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