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EUC Crash @ 40 MPH (Was: Please wear safety gear)

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On 4/1/2019 at 6:18 AM, Nick McCutcheon said:

I just ordered the exact same beeper, and did this mod to my ACM2, but when I close the side panel, the beep appears to be the same volume, if not quieter! I can barely hear the top speed beeps even with a non-full face helmet. It only sounds louder with the side panel open. Could it be some sort of destructive interference going on inside the cavity? I didn’t want to have to mount the beeper outside the shell, but that may just be my next step. 

Be very wary of getting these SFM 27's, I have recently bought a bunch from different sellers and a few things to keep in mind..

Even though they are marked SFM27 these things are extremely uneven in quality, in fact to a point I am convinced GW test them and cherry pick the loudest, buy 10 of them and be very glad if you get 2 loud ones out of that bunch, a few will be unusable I fair and some for other projects, Arduino projects etc.

Next, there are a few variants of the SFM27 out there, sometimes perhaps not even marked with correct sticker cause this is confusing to me? I found that the SFM27 could be the one GW use (and I am convinced cherry pick from the bunch to get the loudest), some say SFM27-I with just a 7.5mm/0.295 inch hole open in the center making them very quiet facing the center hole but volume goes up at the side of it. SFM27-II again have got the piezo element able to breath and let it all straight out, but offer not a long tone but rather start beeping, on/off, on/off..  But seen stickers end up in any combination at times playing with these, either way I gave up there is no gain is series these or even order a 100 more of them will not produce any stronger than what GW likely already cherry picked out, be careful of the stock one if removing it or be prepared to start order a ton of them. :lol:

Other than that I did not see any difference either, it's just not worth it attaching more of them God know I tried and even looked at amplifying the signal, I am looking for much better quality now cause yes at speed you want that thing much louder imo, especially when windy outside or in noisy traffic, etc? Obviously  one could also take the signal and transfer via BT module and have it straight into the ear, sounded like a great idea to me until I forced to be honest with myself  and admitted than there is no way I will keep messing with something in my ear, then pull on the helmet. Not a chance, I am the grab helmet on the run type of guy I do not do these long planning sessions or do the difficult ear piece dance each time, I have come to truly appreciate simple, fast, impulsive and sure as heck getting every minute extra sleep in the morning I can. :)

Anyone tried the V10 buzzer on a Gotway?

Looking at the Pebble now, thing is I always had hard time to feel a phone vibrate, maybe possible to get a larger vibrating pad of sort through wireless signal from the signal at control board? But yes I believe I would also appreciate the simplicity of never having to think about extra battery charging, every time a very loud signal I can hear minimum would be optimal in a way.

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