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UK POLO Match, Viking Slalom & trail ride - Bristol, Easter Monday


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Please join the Facebook 'event' if you're coming - it'll help gauge interest & keep count of numbers... 


Hi everyone, as the date draws nearer and interest mounts - I've got an update / itinerary for you...

First things first.... 
The field we were going to use has been taken over by a travelling theme park - we'll be on the other side of Bristol downs (near a toilet block and ice cream van). 
I've updated the postcode on the poster to BS9 1PQ

Store my number - 07795 383838

The rough plan.... 
Meet at 10am, assess numbers and get ourselves into 5-A Side teams, the number of teams will dictate how long a game lasts - the plan is everyone should get a few games of 5-A side. 
Please bring 2 T-Shirts, White and colour - just to help differentiate the teams on the field.

Whilst you're not playing 5 A-Side there will be other activities
EUC Slalom course
Unicycle limbo (with or without limbo music)
Try a real unicycle

At about 12.30 we'll head to 'Cafe Retreat' for some lunch

At about 1.00/1.30 we'll head 2 miles on road to the Iconic Clifton Suspension Bridge, we'll cross the bridge and enter the mountain bike trails of Leigh woods. 
The trails are clearly marked, and this section should take about 45 minutes (full concentration required) - not a race, lots of obstacles, bumps and lumps - we'll peel off for a photo opportunity and head down to the river avon path. 
The path is pretty smooth (which gives your knees a nice rest), we'll loop back to the Ashton court estate. 

Once we arrive in Ashton court we'll stop at the mountain bike coffee shop for a beverage before tackling the Ashton court mountain bike trails (Another 4 miles)
The trails themselves are suitable for beginners, more advanced riders may wish to have a try at some of the more tricky parts, but there is always an 'easier' route which bypasses obstacles.

Once we're finished in Ashton court we'll head back over the Suspension Bridge towards the cars.

I imagine we'll be back at the cars for about 4pm

Helmets & gloves recommended - As always, you ride at your own risk - no responsibility taken for damaged / broken wheels (or bones). I'm sure it goes without saying, RIDE WITHIN YOUR COMFORT ZONE if you are not comfortable SLOW down, the convoy will wait for you. 
Please be courteous to other members of the public and ride extra slow around children / dogs. 
If you decide to leave the event half way through please make sure you let me know so we don't spend time looking for you.

Most importantly have a great day out!

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