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My KS18L Ride Today: Speed Test; Weird Self Balance Loss; and GMU Campus Ride


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I took my KS18L out for approximately a 35 Mile Ride today.  By the time I got back home I was at 33% Battery.  I am 5' 7" at approximately 170 Pound riding weight and average around 18MPH according to the KS Android app.

Since unlocking the 50KPH I thought I would test out the max speed I could get against a neighborhood speed limit monitor and got up to 29 MPH with multiple tiltbacks.  50KPH translates to 31MPH, so did not quite reach potential top speed.  The last 100+ feet or so is a slight incline so that may of played a role, as well as the tire pressure.  FYI... I was wearing a full face helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, wrist guards, and yellow reflective safety vest for the ride.



I then took off to tear up the City of Fairfax, EUC style...  After about 10 miles, though, I encountered a strange situation where the KS18L self balancing just quit while I was waiting at a cross walk.  There was no warning whatsoever... It just fell limp.  The power was still on and it was still playing my music through the bluetooth.  I thought if I tilted it back and forth and side to side a few times it would wake back up but only a power shut off and back on made it perk back up.  After about a minute while still waiting at the same spot, the wheel suddenly beeped once and did a short little stutter, then back to normal.  I was worried about the wheel lock issue and started thinking...  I was at a fairly complex traffic circle with multiple crosswalks, fancy crosswalk signs/buttons, red light cameras, and road magnetometers.  There is possibly a lot of radio and magnetic interference going on there and I wonder if that could have been playing havoc on the EUC.  It made me think of the wheel lock issue where it normally happens in shopping malls and grocery stores where similar interference could happen.  Anyway, I wanted to get away from there as fast as possible... but did it very slowly.  :efee96588e:

Anyway... It wasn't too long after that  where I found myself cruising the grounds of George Mason University (GMU).  I have only seen one EUC in Northern Virginia about 2 or 3 years ago and felt if only more people knew about them and what they could do, they would become more popular. I thought this is the perfect place to show off the EUC.  I rode miles around the campus taking every opportunity to show the fun and speed it can achieve (there are bike lanes all over).  I had a full audience and could hear tons of comments and exclamations all over campus.  I would not be surprised if Jason starts receiving a higher rate of orders from the Northern Virginia area in the fairly near future.  Of course, college students would need to figure out how to budget for such an expense, but I bet you they will be researching it with intensity. :dribble:

Good ride today!

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  • 2 months later...
On 11/19/2018 at 3:11 PM, Apollo said:

Just took delivery of my V10 - so now there are at least 2 wheels in VA!

Hey, there are three (at least). I am in Lexington and have a Kingsong 18L. Loving it, but wish I had others to ride with! 

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On 8/28/2018 at 4:40 PM, squirt said:

I have only seen one EUC in Northern Virginia about 2 or 3 years ago and felt if only more people knew about them and what they could do, they would become more popular

You are in the DMV, and this post is old, so, I am sure that you know better by now 😉👍

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On 11/27/2018 at 12:43 AM, EUCMania said:

I am in NVA. Maybe we can find a time to ride together.

You may know already,  but on the Washington, DC local group thread  organized rides throughout the DMV are organized and announced. 

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