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12v from the battery. Gotway Msuper


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use the switching regulators, they need less energy from your battery and produce much less heat inside your wheel.

I use some handlamps as positioning lights mounted with velcro strap and a 8500 lm handlamp .. night becomes very day-like :)

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I believe that most warning beepers are running on 12v or thereabouts, so there is 12v available on the board, just not sure how to access it other than when the warning beeps are sounding.

I just got some 12V red led's from Halfords to wire in with the beeper so we can tell which wheel is beeping when we ride in a group by just glancing down.

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I found in Aliexpress a cheap DC-DC 10A converter. I think is the solution for my idea.

Like this: http://es.aliexpress.com/store/product/New-Arrival-24V-36V-48V-60V-72V-To-12V-Converter-Adapter-for-Battery-of-Electric-Vehicle2014/1155118_2018776098.html?spm=2114.04020208.3.18.D6aJpV&ws_ab_test=201407_2,201444_5,201409_5

This is the light that I want to install:

I used it on my motorcycles for years and are very strong an visible from long distance. I don't use it as brake lights, I use it always on, and many car drivers tell me that is a very good advice for them.

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