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Easy/comfortable Riding - Alternative to V10F


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Hallo EUC-riders,


due to many inadequacies of the V10F, I'm looking for a new EUC - 16'' tyres preferred. If possible, not heavier than the 10F of inmotion.

But the riding should be at least as comfortable as on the V10F - but with less bugs. At least 900 Wh - possible distance should be roughly 60 km.

Please let me know your experiences. My inmotion V10F frustration is at its limit :pooping:

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Isn't the 18L an obvious choice? The pedals are not as nice but 18" wheel might make up for that in comfort. It has some early bugs, though. 

Not much to choose from. I've tested KS16s and it's not as comfortable. Rockwheel GT16 is not great quality. Z10 is worth looking at. Then there are multiple Gotways. 

Or just wait for the next round of new wheels. 

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Thanks - @Univehje.

But King Song is no choice - due their hoorible high pitch noise. I've tested a KS 16 B - incredible. The seller said, this is due to all strong motors!! That is alie - the V10F is really quiet without high pitch noise!


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Sounds like V10F is the right choice for you unless you want to pay more and go for the Z10. V10F might be fixed before Z10 is officially in Europe. You just have to wait or go for Gotways. Tesla is quiet and fits your need. I tested it once and it's definitely not as comfortable (wide and smaller pedals and you cannot adjust ride settings that well). 


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