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Best place to buy parts internationally?


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My local NB1 dealer isn't really a professional when it comes to the NB1 so while he sells them he doesn't carry a lot of spare parts and especially not at a reasonable price.


Any recommendations on where to buy parts internationally?

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$90 for a set of two side covers is a tad ridicilous. $66 for two assisting wheels which I got for free with my 9B1 purchase where i bought it. $50 for two battery pads which are £15 each in speedyfeet store? $18 for a single inner tube which is £5.95 at speedyfeet store? How the fuck are any of these prices reasonable?

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I ordered my new Firewheel mainboard from 1RadWerkstatt ( https://www.facebook.com/1radwerkstatt ), not sure if they carry Ninebot parts though. I also don't think they have any other pages than the FB-page. Also, the person I was in contact with had some issues with English, but did speak (well, write) it,  one of our forum members acted as a translator in between at first.

EDIT: Oh right, at least they do carry custom 388Wh batteries for Ninebots, apparently plug & play (correct sized, correct connectors out-of-the-box).

Great service (they helped me with the mainboard BMS-input issue, with no charge, but asked me not to tell the details forward) and good prices (at least the FW mainboard was much less than I expected). Apparently they sell wheels, custom batteries, spare parts, and do other sorts of customizations (like custom car chargers for wheels, they seem highly competent in electronics in general), and for wheel also, check this out (translated from German):

Here is one of our upgraded RockWheel "M" wheels. The wheels are new, they are completely dismantled by us and revised. 
+ 66% more continuous output 
3.5 times peak power 
EMC enhanced 
high-current-resistant connectors

1rad workshop's photo.
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$90 for a set of two side covers is a tad ridicilous. $66 for two assisting wheels which I got for free with my 9B1 purchase where i bought it. $50 for two battery pads which are £15 each in speedyfeet store? $18 for a single inner tube which is £5.95 at speedyfeet store? How the fuck are any of these prices reasonable?

also can look at electricunicycleonline as well they have very reasonable prices yet a lot of the stuff you need becomes out of stock quickly...

and 90$ for the two side covers was my main beef as well as I broke the one on the board side right in half I had to engineer my own :) 

I ordered my new Firewheel mainboard from 1RadWerkstatt ( https://www.facebook.com/1radwerkstatt ), not sure if they carry Ninebot parts though. I also don't think they have any other pages than the FB-page. Also, the person I was in contact with had some issues with English, but did speak (well, write) it,  one of our forum members acted as a translator in between at first.

EDIT: Oh right, at least they do carry custom 388Wh batteries for Ninebots, apparently plug & play (correct sized, correct connectors out-of-the-box).


Interesting I wonder what the difference in kms travelled would be with that bigger battery.

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