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Why bother Hover Board? EUC is great itself.


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Looks like fun.  If the EUC is a monoski, this is a snowboard.

The size of the wheel will be a limitation, and the price is pretty hefty right now (though I'm sure the Chinese are disassembling the thing as we speak, so iprice drops will be inevitable).  It's basically a fancier version of this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XNqOU4jx62I

Edit: plus there is a whole generation who have been waiting for 2015 so they can have a hoverboard.


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There was another version of this same thing posted a while ago, much more plain, with very fat and stable looking central wheel.  If I was a skateboarder I'd be more interested.

But we do live in wonderful times with so many personal transport options!

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This looks like a lot of fun.  Probably the closest experience to the Back to the Future hoverboard we've all been waiting for.  I think the other OneWheel skateboard would not be as maneuverable due to the wide tire with its flat cross-section.  On both I would think that ascending/descending hills might be problematic because after a certain grade the leading/trailing edge of the board will interfere with its ability to stay level.

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There was another version of this same thing posted a while ago, much more plain, with very fat and stable looking central wheel.  If I was a skateboarder I'd be more interested.

But we do live in wonderful times with so many personal transport options!

yeah that's the 'Onewheel'. Liked the look of it but the range is terrible (4 miles I think or something). Probably cool for just skatepark use as it looks very sort of industrial/simple

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