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My presentation

Max A

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I first want to apologize for my English "google".
I am French and I do not want to impose my English school level.
I ride for 3 years with a KS 14C and I just bought a msuper 3 S + 1300W, I have so far only 400km on the clock. after a puncture I put a tire of KS18, just to change.
I read this forum regularly for a while, I enjoy joining you, good road (road, off track ...) to all.

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I made three changes to the msuper3:
- impression of mudguard, after using the different models, I use only the smallest.
- Cutting the shell to allow more convenient access to the valve. I was tired of hurting my fingers.
- change of the tire by the KS18 tire with an anti-flat tire band



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5 hours ago, Max A said:

- change of the tire by the KS18 tire with an anti-flat tire band

Have you found the different tyre to be better than the supplied one?

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it's too early to say, I made only one exit with this new tire. I will make a return in a few hundred kilometers.
Sue the French forum, an experienced weelher told me he found the Kenda tire much better than the original one, but that I will have problems with the tire puncture band ... to follow.

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my feeling after a test output:

The tire is firmer, I inflated to 3 bars, the new tire accepting 2.8 Max inflated to 2.6. And even so, it's firmer. The rubber is less soft, it changes but it's not unpleasant.

The geometry of the tire is different, it is less "round". it may change with the wear, after the break-in. The wheel is more lively in the changes of angles, at the beginning it is weird then we get used. So I feel more manageable, but a little less stable at high speed but the tire is not prowled and especially I am not prowled.

It remains an 18 so it absorbs very well the irregular paving of the boulevard Malesherbes.

it does not change at all, but the behavior is different. The ground link is, I think, as important as the firmware for the general behavior.

In short, always a lot of fun with this wheel ?

Good Sunday to all, and remember that do not go out the wheel with this time ... it's sin ?

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