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Why cannot a uni-cycle automatically stop?

Yujie Su

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I have been using my uni-cycle for a while. I love it! It is awesome!

However, with time being, I begin to think - why a uni-cycle cannot stop automatically once I jump off the cycle? Image this scenario - you are riding towards a beautiful girl with her staring at you, and just jump off the cycle, let it go, and hug the girl. The uni-cycle will slide by itself for a short distance and silently, intelligently stops on one side, looking at you and the person you hugging... How wonderful!

Ok, get back to the reality. I don't think it is very difficult from technical point of view, agree? Does anybody know something like that? For example, an advanced model of uni-cycle? Some technology one company is developing?

I am very curious to know that.

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This subject has been discussed at great length previously just for the safety aspect.

Many solutions have been suggested and they all have their merits but also disadvantages or even dangers.

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Image this scenario - you are riding towards a beautiful girl with her staring at you, and just jump off the cycle, let it go, and hug the girl. The uni-cycle will slide by itself for a short distance and silently, intelligently stops on one side, looking at you and the person you hugging... How wonderful!

I love that! Not sure my wife would. :D

The most recent thread about shutoff was here:


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