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    Prague, Czech Republic
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    V12, KS18L, GW MTen3

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  1. We didn't. Covid hit and China closed. Instead we did 2000 km in Balkan (Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia). But we only did about a 100 km a day. It was a lot of fun and there was supposed to be a video. But my videographer friend never finished it.
  2. I actually just experienced the same. It seems like the language roll-out menu is always open even thou its not visible.
  3. There were many clones in this era. I don't think anyone will be able to recognize this particular one. But they all behaved in pretty much the same manner so if you find manual for the airwheel it will mostly correspond.
  4. @Niik01ay The russian controller can be bought? Where? How much is it?
  5. @Mike Sacristan That is some crazy cool custom body for mTen3. Have you got some topics with more info about it?
  6. I want to add another bad experience with @Green Fashion Gotway service. I bought new motor from him for my mTen3 and after about 10 months the motor axle broke (I did no jumping but I live in a city with a lot of cobblestones). Suddenly what he writes everywhere about warranty which says: one year warranty for motor and such and half year for batteries is not true anymore. He says that warranty for motor is one year only when bought inside unicycle but for the same motor separately it is only half a year. This was never mentioned before! So now I have no wheel, no warranty and his message saying sorry... DO NOT BUY from GREAN FASHION STORE
  7. I think it is saying motor fault. So either your motor is disconnected or hall sensors not working. To be sure you can connect with the app and check there.
  8. I have both. Where are you from?
  9. KS-18L standard charger - 0.3A 1.1 old 2000 W motor
  10. Really cool! What does Russian production electronics mean? Can you give more details?
  11. So first and second place goes to Czech guys? :D @Archee Jan Bloch
  12. For future builds it seems opensource alternative for the control boards is on the horizon. Stormcore VESC capable of running 84V systems is right now being tested as limited beta and will hopefully be available to public soon. There you can mount on top or on the side as you wish as it is you who is defining the axes. It also means you have to tune the PID yourself but it is not that hard. Mitch Lustig is already testing it on a monster.
  13. Last year my friend on a DIY electrified scooter and me on KS18L took upon a challenge to see how far can we go in 24 hours. It started as preparation for much longer trip. More in the video. We did about 235 km (146 mi). Unfortunately the middle part is not recorded with euc.world as it was not that stable for me at the time (even the recorded parts don't always have wheel data). The electric scooter is half euc as well as it is using motor from Fastwheel Eva and batteries from several old unicycles. https://euc.world/tour/579152318289016 https://euc.world/tour/579169000168186
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