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Jens Ronnedal

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About Jens Ronnedal

  • Birthday 10/04/1976

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    Kingsong 18XL, Inmotion V10F and 2xV8

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  1. Sound to me like a lot of defective batteries. I don't want to buy a product if it's like a coin toss if the battery will be defective or not.
  2. I were thinking about ordering a V11Y, now I'm not so sure anymore.
  3. I gave the same feedback to KS though Facebook. Hope they read it.
  4. Sounds like poor calibration. My wheel is super solid with the 2.00 FW. But I had the same problem as you last time I calibrated. I did it with the wheel leaning against a wall. But I learned that the wheel doesn't spinn in calibration mode. So next time I put my wheel on my EUC Army stand. After the next calibration it was perfect.
  5. Yeah, very strange. Can only hope for another update. But to ride the wheel with the 2.00 FW was really nice. Only problem,..it’s much easier to go really fast.
  6. I’ve noticed. But the tail light on my wheel will shut off if someone is behind me?
  7. I was hoping for better settings for head and tail light. But Kingsong has solved one problem and created some new ones. They still haven't solved the problem with the wheel always going back to automatic when I turn it off and then on again. There is a setting in the DB-app supposing to let you chose to not have automated headlight, but it doesn't change anything that I notice. The problem solved is the very irritating automation of head light always being in the moving direction. Who ever came up with that idea in the first place? But note that the automated preset is still the same. You have to switch setting every time to get rid of it. New problem is that tail light only seem to be activated by the light sensor. Meaning if anyone with a headlight is tailing you, your tail light will be off. So it will only be on if no one is behind you. And when is that useful? So if you want tail light from now on you will have to put some tape or something over the light sensor. In recent firmwares I had to push the power button 2 times to turn off the lights every time I turned on the wheel. Now the lights off setting is moved back to 4th setting. So even more pushing buttons because of the wheel not returning to last setting after reboot. My only hope is for the DB-app to be able to solve problems like these since Kingsong seem to like things just the way they are.
  8. I just realized what was wrong. I've set a password for my wheel in the Kingsong app. Doesn't seem like the DB-app is able to update the firmware while a password is set so I removed the password. Now the update is running.
  9. I aborted the first try. Restarted my phone (iPhone XS MAX) and my wheel (Kingsong 18XL) and tried again. After 5 minutes,..still stuck at 0%.
  10. Trying to update through DB-app. Stuck att 0% for 30minutes. Should I shut down and try again or keep waiting?
  11. As an update to my post here. I still get warnings through the speakers when I push the wheel too hard. I'm just rid of the notification beeps. It's just sad that you can't chose in the app to turn notifications on and off. Must be one of the easiest task for a programmer. The other still always bugging me is that it doesn't matter how many times I turn the headlight off, it's still in the same mode when I turn my wheel back on. Should also be an easy programable feature to have the wheel remember which setting I had last and stick to it. In china automation might be what everyone want. But I like to be able to chose. Give us options, please!
  12. Information just got to me that the top speed for Kingsong 16X will probably be 50km/h instead of the 45km/h announced earlier.
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