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    Silver Spring MD
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  1. Just wondering if this issue are just those has Mspro High speed cz for that they use different motherboard and as far as what i saw the motherboards are look like athe new MSX motherboard even come with the sticker MsuperX 100volts. So that question now is that are those mspro that burn MB are the High speed with 2000w motor or the regular Mspro with 2500w motor. I ask this because i have an Mspro 2500w and everything if fine work great and i was think to change it to a high speed 2000w motor. And i just received recently the Motherboard for the 2000w motor from ewheels and jason told me that this board are being used in the HIgh speed mspro. And i dont have a chance to switch it yet and now here come and issue of motherboard burning now im kind of worried about it if i change it. I hope they get this resolve or know the issue at hand.
  2. We are also in contact with the NYC group some of them will come down to Philly to ride with us . So if everything goes as plan it will be an awesome group rides North meets South in Philly. Dont know Philly rides already in telegram but i invite you all to join on out telegram chat page link is below. t.me/DMVGlydiators
  3. I just posted some details for the Philly rides on the Philadelphia forum's
  4. To All Philly Rides we the Glydiators from DC is coordinating with John from Philly and comes up with a group ride that will happen this coming 20th of july details as follows. Join me at ESK8P from DC - Philadelphia Freedom Ride http://meetu.ps/e/GYzHf/H47Vh/a http://meetu.ps/e/GYzHf/H47Vh/a
  5. Join me at ESK8P from DC - Philadelphia Freedom Ride http://meetu.ps/e/GYzHf/H47Vh/a http://meetu.ps/e/GYzHf/H47Vh/a
  6. Check out DC Glydiators http://meetu.ps/c/4ckYm/H47Vh/a on Meetup http://meetu.ps/c/4ckYm/H47Vh/a
  7. Yanex87


    Ride from today Cold windy but it doesn't stop us from having Fun
  8. http://meetu.ps/e/Ggfm4/H47Vh/a
  9. Yanex87


    Another Remarkable Day Riding Around DC
  10. as for the matte black it really didn't effect it when i remove the vinyl still look good, i wrap my EUC several times 1st i use different vinyl, then i remove it wrap with a carbon fiber, but i scratch the wrap so i remove it again and wrap for 3rd time but underneath that wrap the matte black is still in a good shape. i had my EUC since July.
  11. Thanks @RichieV im now on telegram. And yup i saw some pic and video from the ride last night i do like to join but location a little far and the time is a little late. Work early morning but anyways i do enjoyed the ride last weekend. 👍
  12. @Lutalo i meet up with this group and ride with them last weekend they are awesome and they have meet up this coming sunday and i'll be there if the weather is good. Check this out. http://meetu.ps/e/G618N/H47Vh/a
  13. @J.T. The video is now posted in "The Video Thread" now people will know how beautiful it is to ride in the DC Area ??
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