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    A coulpe

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  1. Bryan, did you figure it out yet? Keep your eyes on the horizon, don't look down.
  2. Welcome new wheeler! Im from the Allentown area. Where are you from?
  3. Nice. You should have let me know you were in the area. I just cut thru there last night.
  4. It's called Lehigh parkway. It's not huge but it's in the center of Allentown so there's lots of other parks nearby like the rose gardens and trexler park. I think McDade is about 3 hours from Philly so don't hold your breath. I wouldn't mind going to Philly sometime for a meetup and check it all the park and trails.
  5. That looks like a nice place. It's a shame we live so far from one another. The parkway in Allentown is nice. I usually ride thru there and a couple of parks along the way. There are some technical trails too but a lot of street riding to get between.
  6. There's a thread for philly with a couple riders. I live near Allentown. Where are you from?
  7. Wow a lot has changed since I was here last summer. @Seba Congrats on the euc world app! I'm having troubles resetting my pw. When I submit a new PW, the button spins and stops like it's tried but I don't get a success messagea and trying to log in with my new PW doesn't work. I was already logged in under an old tab I had open and have since logged out and tried the PW reset again but still having the same problem. Scott
  8. Electric unicycle sounds like an impractical toy, or just uncool in general. EUC doesn't roll off the tongue and always has to be repeated followed by the explanation of the acronym. I don't even tell people what it is called anymore, I tell them to go to ewheels dot com. I call it my "wheel" amongst friends and family. "Group" ride works for me. Keep it simple.🙂
  9. If you ever get up this way we could ride. My son rides the v8 and I just got an 18xl. A good friend of mine got a v10 recently but we have only ridden once so far. Maybe we could do a ride from Green Lane to ? Not sure where to ride from there.
  10. Try Nova Launcher app for Android. It lets you customize your home screen, app tray, icon size, grid size, etc. I use it on all my phones. I can't say for sure that it will let you long press to app details but I think there is a good chance it will.
  11. You can long press the app and go straight to app details and closer it from there. That's 3 steps wondering on how you count it. I always force close the inmotion app also or it will drain my battery. Agreed, they need better apps.
  12. I saw another unicycle rider in Allentown yesterday. We only talked for a block or so before going separate ways. I mentioned the forum and hope he checks it out. I saw what looked like a father son team riding thru the parkway last summer. Those guys are the reason I have one. 😃 Anyone else from the Lehigh valley area? Philly is to far to drive to ride unless there is some kind of event or something. Jerome, I saw your ride up to Green Lane park. That's middle ground between Allentown and Philly and would be doable if you ever started a ride from there.
  13. Did you try force closing? If that doesn't work, try clearing app cache.
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