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robca last won the day on August 26 2015

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  1. Probably this one: http://www.st.com/web/catalog/tools/FM147/CL1794/SC961/SS1743/LN1734/PF257936?icmp=tt2849_gl_pron_sep2015&sc=stsw-stm32100-pr1 (There's also a physical eval board available, with processor and drivers)
  2. Driving brushless motors efficiently is pretty hard, and different motor typologies need different signals. I know that there are existing implementations, but none for the exact types of motors used in EUC. Methinks that it would help this project to have someone with a good multi-channel DSO capture the different signals a commercial EUC uses to drive each phase of the motors. Just looking at the signals shouldn't create any problem with the open source state (unlike copying someone else's firmware, say), and would give the team a starting point for the necessary signals (in all cases: acceleration, steady state, balancing, regen braking). Looking at this project from the outside, if I were working on it, my main concern would be to efficiently drive the motor. Everything else is, relatively speaking, straightforward. Driving the motor with high currents without damaging anything, that's hard. Once you can duplicate the motor drive signals, future improvements are easier. Just my 2 cents from an outside observer (really interesting project, btw)
  3. If you like, the Mapleboard mini is a much cheaper alternative to Teensy. $4.50 from a reputable seller http://www.ebay.com/itm/400569863658
  4. robca

    Age poll

    Wow, we are a bunch of geezers 62% (as of time of writing) are older than 40 years
  5. robca


    Alipay would be much, much safer than bank transfer. Alipay keeps your money in escrow and gives it to the seller only after you are happy with the merchandise (assuming you are buying on Ailexpress). That protects you pretty well, and allows you to recover your money if something goes really wrong. Once you send a bank transfer, you are out of any other recourse, and you rely 100% on the seller's ethics to make sure issues are taken care of. Personally, unless I know someone personally, I would never send money to a bank account in China directly
  6. Do you have any way to put i ton a scale (or to step yourself on a scale with and without the unit)? There are conflicting reports of how much that unit weighs, and would be good to have final confirmation
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